9.08.01 Excavations – permit
9.08.01 Application for permit – deposit
9.08.03 Excavations to be restored
9.08.01 Excavations – permit. No person, firm or corporation shall cut into, tunnel under, or in any manner disturb the surface of any street, alley or sidewalk in the city without first applying for and obtaining from the Street Department a written permit to do so, which shall be dated, and shall give the name and address of the person to whom the permit is granted, and the location of the place where the street, alley or sidewalk is to be cut into, tunneled under, and the purpose for which said permit is granted.
9.08.02 Application for permit – deposit. Any person, firm or corporation applying for said permit shall estimate in writing the number of square feet to be cut or tunneled. Before such permit is granted the applicant shall deposit with the city for the purpose of ensuring that the street is properly restored the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) per square foot for cutting concrete or other bituminous surface and Two ($2.00) Dollars per square foot for cutting into gravel surface; provided the minimum deposit shall be Twenty-Five ($25.00) Dollars irrespective of the estimate.
9.08.03 Excavations to be restored. All excavations made are to be restored to their original condition to the satisfaction of the Mayor or his appointee before the deposit shall be returned.
STATE LAW REFERENCE- See A.C.A. 14-301-101