Mayflower Municipal Codes

Chapter 9.04 – Streets, Alleys, Gutters or Ditches

9.04.01 Streets and alleys
9.04.02 Gutters or ditches
9.04.03 Expense
9.04.04 Notification
9.04.05 Failure to comply
9.04.06 Driveways over ditches
9.04.07 Fine

9.04.01 Streets and alleys. It shall be the duty of every owner or occupant of any lot or premises in this city along which any street or alleys runs, to keep said street or alley from the middle line thereof to the side next to him, free from all manner and kind of filth, garbage, trash, debris or decaying animal and vegetable substance of every kind.

9.04.02 Gutters or ditches. All ditches connected to and adjacent to any city street be clear at all times to carry the drain waters; that all culverts within these ditches be at least twelve inches in diameter; that if there are any ditches with culverts less than twelve inches in diameter that are now causing damage to the city streets that they be hereby ordered removed and the ditch cleared of this obstruction.
(Ord. No. 26, Sec. 1.)

9.04.03 Expense. The property owner shall bear the expense of any culvert he desires to lay in any ditch along the city streets and the city street forces shall install the culvert and pay the cost of the labor.
(Ord. No. 26, Sec. 2.)

9.04.04 Notification. It shall be the duty of the Street Department of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, to examine any ditch in question, to determine the proper culvert needed and to notify the property owner in writing of the size of said culvert required, and to set a reasonable date for said property owner to comply with the notice.
(Ord. No. 26, Sec. 3.)

9.04.05 Failure to comply. If the property owner, after receipt of said notice fails to comply with the notice, then the City Street Department shall have the authority to clear the ditch.
(Ord. No. 26, Sec. 4.)

9.04.06 Driveways over ditches. Every person, firm or corporation constructing a driveway over any public ditch within the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, shall provide some adequate means for the continued flow of water through said ditch; such opening shall be made by metal culvert or other materials to be approved by the Street Superintendent of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas.
(Ord. No. 99-7, Sec. 1.)

9.04.07 Fine. Any person failing to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished upon conviction in any sum not less than One Hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), and each day said condition shall exist shall be considered a separate offense.
(Ord. No. 99-7, Sec. 2.)

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