Mayflower Municipal Codes

Chapter 4.08 – Gas Franchise

4.08.01 Gas franchise granted to Arkansas Louisiana Gas Company
4.08.02 Rights and responsibilities of Gas Company and city
4.08.03 Franchise tax
4.08.04 Construction of chapter

4.08.01 Gas franchise granted to Arkansas Louisiana Gas Company. The Arkansas Louisiana Gas Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Gas Company”) is duly authorized by franchise ordinance heretofore enacted to operate a gas distribution system and appurtenances thereto, used in, or incident to the rendition of gas service to Mayflower, Arkansas, and the inhabitants thereof residing in the city. (Ord. No. 1A, Sec. 1.)

4.08.02 Rights and responsibilities of Gas Company and city. The Gas Company is now occupying and shall continue to occupy the streets and alleys of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, for the purpose of operating, maintaining and extending its gas service to the city and the inhabitants and consumers residing in the city, and shall continue to supply to the city and consumers therein gas service. (Ord. No. IA, Sec. 1.)

4.08.03 Franchise tax. The amount of occupation, license or franchise or other special city tax to be paid by the Gas Company for the year 1984 and future years, until changed by ordinance, shall be determined and computed as follows:

A. At the close of the calendar year 1984 and at the close of each calendar year thereafter, the Gas Company shall determine the gross revenues from domestic and commercial users for the preceding year within the corporate limits of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, and shall inform the Mayor of the results of this calculation. The tax for each year shall be computed by multiplying the gross revenues by 4.25%. (Ord. No. 84-1, Sec. 1.)

B. Said tax for the year 1984 shall be paid by March 1, 1985, and the tax similarly computed for succeeding years shall be paid by March 1 of each succeeding year. (Ord. No. 84-1, Sec. 2.)

4.08.04 Construction of chapter. This chapter shall not be construed to alter or change the terms or conditions of the present franchise under which the Gas Company is operating.

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to alter or change the present rate schedule under which the Gas Company is now operating, except by order of the Arkansas Public Service Commission or other legally constituted bodies.

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