Mayflower Municipal Codes

Chapter 2.28 – Recorder

2.28.01 Elected office
2.28.02 Duties

2.28.01 Elected office. In accordance with A.C.A. 14-44-115 the office of the Recorder shall be an elected office. The position of City Treasurer will not be totally or partially connected with the office of Recorder. (Ord. No. 95-5, Sec. 1.)

2.28.02 Duties. Duties of the office of Recorder will be:

  1. As designated by A.C.A. 14-44-109
  2. As summarized in specific sections of the “Handbook for Arkansas Municipal Officials”
  3. The Recorder will submit, monthly, in open meeting, a full report and detailed statement of the financial condition of the city to the Mayor and members of the Council. (Ord. No. 95-5, Sec. 2.)
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