2.20.01 Meeting Schedule & Agenda
2.20.02 Freedom of information procedure
2.20.03 Recently Elected Officials
2.20.01 Meeting Schedule & Agenda
A. CALENDAR: For the year 2023, the scheduled meeting dates are attached herein as Appendix A, and incorporated herein by reference. The City Council shall meet at one (1) meeting per month unless good cause exists to meet on more or fewer occasions. Meetings shall customarily be held on the Fourth Tuesday of each month unless said date falls on public holiday, or whenever good cause exists to re-schedule. See Appendix A. (Ord. No. 2023-01, Sec. 2)
B. WRITTEN AGENDA: A written agenda shall be prepared and published by the Mayor or his designee no later than the end of the business day, seven (7) days prior to each monthly meeting of the City Council. In the event that the agenda deadline falls on a state or federal holiday, then said agenda shall be prepared and published on the next business day following said holiday. Terms of new business to be discussed shall be submitted to the Mayor’s office in writing in the time and manner described herein. At the discretion of the Mayor, business items may be added outside of this schedule where good cause exists. The Mayor may exercise discretion to exclude matters from the agenda when submitted by members of the general public. The Mayor may not exercise such discretion regarding matters submitted by City Council members. In the event that a special or emergency City Council meeting is held, a written agenda shall be prepared and made publicly available as soon as reasonably possible prior to the date and time of said meeting. (Ord. No. 2023-01, Sec. 2)
C. ATTENDANCE AND MEETING FORMAT: The Mayor or designated presiding officer shall officiate each meeting using procedures of state law and Roberts’ Rules of Order. If the Mayor is absent, another designated publicly elected official may preside in his or her place. The Recorder/ Treasurer and City Attorney shall be present unless good cause exists for their absence and said officials may be substituted by suitably qualified individuals of their choosing on a temporary basis. The meeting agenda shall follow the format of 1) Roll-Call, 2) Pledge of Allegiance, 3) Approval of Previous Minutes, 4) Discussion of Old
Business Items, 5) Discussion of New Business Items, and 6) Public Commentary / Special Presentations. Issues of public commentary shall be limited to two (2) minutes per speaker unless extended by the Mayor or presiding officer, and issues of public commentary are not required to be specifically described in the prepared agenda. (Ord. No. 2023-01, Sec. 2)
D. MEETING CANCELLATIONS, SPECIAL MEETINGS, AND ALTERNATIVE MEETINGS: The Calendar of meetings affixed herein shall be generally followed, unless the Mayor finds good cause to alter, cancel, reschedule, or otherwise modify the published meeting schedule. As limited examples, meetings may be canceled or re-scheduled in the event of inclement weather, national or local emergency, lack of pending business items, or anticipated lack of quorum among Council members. Modifications should be announced with as much advance notice as possible under all circumstances. If regularly scheduled meeting(s) are modified, re-scheduled, or cancelled, the Recorder/ Treasurer shall prepare a written entry of meeting minutes describing the nature of the modification and the reason thereof. Meetings may also be modified and conducted as “virtual meetings” employing the use of publicly accessible live video communication services, and where said meetings are freely accessible for live public viewing. (Ord. No. 2023-01, Sec. 2)
2.20.02 Freedom of information procedure. All meetings of the City Council of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, shall be public meetings. Notice of the time, place and date of all special meetings shall be given to representatives of the newspapers and radio stations located in Faulkner County, Arkansas, which have requested to be notified at least two (2) hours before the special meeting takes place.
2.20.03 Recently Elected Officials. The following elected officers were elected at the General Election held on November 8, 2022, for the terms listed below:
- Danny Hester – Mayor (2023-20260
- Mark Hickman-Alderman, Ward 1, Position 1 (2023-2024)
- Jennifer Massey-Alderman, Ward 1, Position 2 (2023-2024)
- Zachery Jeffery – Alderman, Ward 2, Position 1 (2023-2024)
- Jack J. Paul-Alderman, Ward 2, Position 2 (2023-2024)
- Kyle Marks – Alderman, Ward 3, Position 1 (2023-2024)
- Brian Williams -Alderman, Ward 3, Position 2 (2023-2024)
(Ord. No. 2023-01, Sec, 1)