12.04.01 Established
12.04.02 Members
12.04.03 Authority
12.04.04 Conduct
12.04.05 Repeal of Ordinance
12.04.01 Established. There is hereby created and established the Mayflower Parks and Recreation Commission. This Commission is established pursuant to the provisions of A.C.A. 14-269-301, et. Seq. (Ord. No. 96-8, Sec. 1.)
12.04.02 Members. Pursuant to A.C.A. 14-269-302(a) (1)- (2) the Mayflower City Council hereby finds and determines that the number of persons serving on such Commission should be five (5) to better provide the public with needed parks and recreation programs. The members of such Commission shall be appointed by being nominated by the Mayor of Mayflower and confirmed by a majority of the City Council. Members shall serve such terms as are set forth in the above cited state statutes and shall represent the interests of the entire city.
(Ord. No. 96-8, Sec. 2.)
12.04.03 Authority. The Commission herein created is vested with all the authority, duties and responsibilities granted by A.C.A. 14-269-301, et. Seq., and such statutes are incorporated by reference herein as though set forth word for word.
(Ord. No. 96-8, Sec. 3.)
12.04.04 Conduct
A. All activities in the municipal parks requiring the collection of fees, charges, or other moneys, including, but not limited to, concessions, advertisements, publications, admissions, launching fees, camping fees, rentals, parking, and etc., shall be paid to the Mayflower Parks and Recreation Commission or its agents
and deposited in the appropriate fund.
B. All money paid to the Mayflower Parks and Recreation Commission may only be used to (1) acquire land, (2) build, operate, and improve part facilities, (3) organize and conduct a program of recreation for the public, (4) pay wages, salaries and benefits of employees of the Commission, (5) procure equipment,
supplies, services and vehicles necessary for the parks and recreation program, (6) obtain any bond, insurance or guarantee for the management of risk and (7) pay any outstanding debt owed as a consequence of the parks and recreation program.
C. The commission shall not make cash or in-kind grants or gifts to community organizations or individuals, nor shall the Commission provide any facilities or programs for the sole benefit of specific organizations, not otherwise connected to the city of Mayflower, nor shall any parks and recreation program be developed, except that it be open and available to the public.
D. No agency or department of the city of Mayflower shall provide the Parks and Recreation Commission with goods, equipment, services, land or manpower, except as has been requested by the Commission and approved by the City Council, and the agency or department reimbursed with funds available to the
E. The Commission and its activities and programs is exempt from the provisions of Ord. No. 92-4 as amended.
F. The Commission is empowered to accept cash gifts and grants, donations of land, labor, equipment and materials, and enter into contracts. Any obligation required of the city of Mayflower shall require the approval of the City Council.
(Ord. No. 96-8, Sec. 4.)
12.04.05 Repeal of Ordinance. Ord. No. 91-2 is hereby repealed and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict, but nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to repeal or conflict with the Mayflower Zoning Regulations or the Mayflower Control of Development and Subdivision of Land Regulations.
(Ord. No. 96-8, Sec. 5.)