11.12.01 Adoption of the Electrical Code
11.12.02 Appointment of the Code Enforcement Officer
11.12.03 Duties
11.12.04 Permits
11.12.05 Inspection
11.12.06 Standards
11.12.07 Licensing of electricians
11.12.08 Bond required
11.12.09 Qualification
11.12.10 Failure to comply
11.12.11 License to individual
11.12.01 Adoption of Electrical Code. There is hereby adopted for the city for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal and maintenance of electric wiring and apparatus, including permits and penalties, that certain electrical code known as the National Electrical Code of the National Fire Protection Association, of which not less than three (3) copies have been and are now filed in the office of the Recorder/Treasurer of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date this chapter takes effect, the provisions shall be controlling in the construction, alteration, maintenance or removal of all electric wiring and apparatus within the corporate limits of the city.
11.12.02 Appointment of the Code Enforcement Officer The Code Enforcement Officer responsible for administering this code shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by a majority of the City Council.
11.12.03 Duties. He shall have the duty and is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to regulate and determine the placing of electric wires and other appliances for electric lights, heat or power in the city and to cause all such wires, appliances, or apparatus to be placed, constructed and guarded so as not to cause fires or accidents, endangering life or property, and to be constructed so as to keep to a minimum the loss or waste of electric current. It shall be his duty to enforce all provisions of this chapter and he is hereby granted the authority to enter all buildings in the city in the performance of his duties at any reasonable hour. It shall be his duty to inspect and/or test all electrical work and equipment or apparatus for compliance with the code. Whenever electric wiring, appliances or apparatus shall be defective or hazardous through improper manufacture or improper or insufficient insulation or for any other reason, he shall at once cause the removal of such defect or defects, at the expense of the owners of such wiring, appliance or apparatus.
11.12.04 Permits. No installation, alteration or removal shall be made in or of the wiring of any building or structure for light, heat or power or to increase the load of energy carried by such wires or equipment, nor shall any building or structure be wired for electric lights, appliances, motors, apparatus or heating devices nor alterations be made thereto without a written permit therefor being first obtained from the city license issuing clerk by the person, firm or corporation having direct charge of such installation, alteration or removal.
11.12.05 Inspection. Upon the completion of the wiring, installation or alteration of any building or structure for light, heat, power, appliance or apparatus, it shall be the duty of the person, firm or corporation having direct charge of such to notify the Code Enforcement Officer who shall, as early as possible, inspect such wiring, installation, appliance and apparatus and if installed, altered and constructed in compliance with the permit and in accordance with the regulations of this chapter, he shall execute a certificate of satisfactory inspection, which shall contain the date of such inspection and the result of his examination, but no such certificate shall be issued unless such electric wiring, motors, heating devices, appliances and apparatus be in strict accord with the rules and requirements and the spirit of this chapter, nor shall current be turned on to such installation, equipment, appliance, motor, heat devices and apparatus until said certificate be issued. The amount of fee or charge to be made for such inspections and certificates is to be fixed and determined by the City Council.
11.12.06 Standards. All electrical construction, all materials, appliances, motors, heating devices, and apparatus used in connection with electrical work and the operation of all electrical apparatus within the city shall conform to the rules and requirements of the National Electrical Code current when work is performed or equipment and apparatus installed; however, the necessity, good service and said results often require larger sizes of wire, more branch circuits and better types of equipment than the minimum which is specified in the National Electrical Code. Therefore, the Code Enforcement Officer supervising the enforcement of this code will have the responsibility and authority for making interpretations of the rules, for deciding upon the approval of equipment, materials, construction and for granting the special permission contemplated in a number of the rules and he, where necessary shall follow the code procedure for securing official interpretations of the code.
11.12.07 Licensing of electricians. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of electrical construction or of the installation of wiring and apparatus for electric lights, appliances, heating or power in the city shall, before doing so, obtain a license therefor, the fee for which shall be Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) per year which shall be paid into the city treasury before such license shall become effective.
11.12.08 Bond required. Every person, firm or corporation doing electrical business in the city shall execute and deliver to the city a bond with a surety bonding company in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to indemnify the city or any citizen for any damage caused by the failure of such person, firm or corporation doing the electrical work to comply strictly with the provisions of this chapter.
11.12.09 Qualification. No license shall be issued until the party applying for same has given satisfactory evidence to the city of his or their ability to do said electrical work in a safe and satisfactory manner. No permit for installation or alteration of any wiring, heating devices, motors, appliances and apparatus shall be issued until the license and bond herein required have been obtained.
11.12.10 Failure to comply. Any person, firm or corporation who shall fail to correct any defect or defects in his or their work or to meet the required standards after having been given notice of the unfit condition by the city within a reasonable time, shall be refused any other permit until such defect or defects have been corrected and shall be subject to revocation of license for continual defective work or either upon conviction for violation of the provisions of this chapter. Upon failure to comply with this chapter, the city shall request, after due notice, that Entergy cut electric current in the locality concerned.
11.12.11 License to individual. Any individual desiring to perform his own electrical work personally shall not be required to make the required bond or to obtain the required license, but shall be required to obtain the regular permit for that particular job. Such work done by an individual must be done by him personally on his own particular job and not be a way of performing a service to the public generally.