Fire & EMS
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- Burn Permit Application
- Burn Ban & Wildfire Status
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- Fire Dept. City Codes
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Fire Dues
- Fire Marshal’s Office
- Incident Report Request
- News & PressMayflower Fire Department
- Open Burning Laws
- Pafford EMS
- Recruitment
- Report Issues
- Response Area
- Services Provided
- Stations & Apparatus
- Storm Shelter Registration
Answer the Call!
Mayflower Fire Department is a combination fire department. This means we employ a mix of full-time, part-time, and volunteer members to sustain operations and answer our calls for service in the Fire District. Most of our employees are volunteer members that answer calls for service when they are available to do so.
We are ALWAYS accepting applications for new volunteers that wish to serve our community. No experience is required.
We will provide all the training, gear, uniforms, and equipment you need to succeed at your job. All gear and PPE is updated or brand new including turnouts and SCBA’s. All members are provided LOPFI retirement benefits, workers compensation, and income protection coverage as well. Volunteer members are provided a stipend per call, training, and event attendance.
Candidates must live near the Fire District, be at least 18 years of age, have a driver’s license, no felony convictions, no drug use, and have the physical and mental strength to do the job.
To explore opportunities available in our Department browse the tabs below for more information.
Volunteer Firefighter
Volunteer firefighters are selfless individuals who donate their time, skill and energy to serve people in times of crisis for no compensation, although a modest stiped is provided to offset fuel costs and wear on vehicles. We do not require members to work a “shift” or require a minimum amount of time or calls run per month. Most members respond to the incident from their homes. Everyone’s ability to participate and volunteer is unique and as long as you are participating you are welcome.
Volunteers respond to calls for service within the Fire District whenever they are available to do so. Members are notified of an emergency by an alert on their smartphone, portable radio, and/or pager. We are a true “all hazards” fire department that respond to all types of emergency calls. These calls can range from helping someone up that has fallen, to broken bones, heart attacks, structure fires, vehicle fires, hazardous material incidents, grass fires, car wrecks, train derailments, helping look for lost individuals, water rescues, installing smoke alarms, and everything in between.
If you want to serve your community, learn new skills, challenge yourself, get outside your comfort zone, and make lifelong friends then consider applying to become a firefighter today. We will train you with just the basic classes required in the State of Arkansas or take you all the way to become a certified firefighter at no cost to you other than time.
Basic classes required for ALL members within 1 year of appointment:
- Introduction to Firefighting
- Introduction to PPE
- Wildland Firefighting
- CPR Certification
- Emergency Medical Responder
Volunteer EMS/Medical Responder
Volunteer EMS (emergency medical services) responders strictly respond to medical emergencies or lift assistance calls. Not everyone wants to fight fire and most of our calls for service are medical so our EMS providers are critical to the operation of the Department. Even with Pafford EMS posted at our Department they are often out of the city transporting patients so our first responders can truly make a difference between life or death.
These members will be provided the Emergency Medical Responder course in addition to the state minimum courses required. EMS responders will be provided a fully stocked take-home BLS (basic life support) bag to respond to calls from home without having to stop at the station to grab a vehicle.
Basic classes required for ALL members within 1 year of appointment:
- Introduction to Firefighting
- Introduction to PPE
- Wildland Firefighting
- CPR Certification
- Emergency Medical Responder
Part-Time Firefighter
The Department employs one part-time firefighter 10 hours per day, everyday, from 8 AM to 6 PM. This positions are typically filled by certified firefighters with driver/operator and EMR or EMT certifications to respond to calls when most volunteers are at work.
Live In Firefighter
In the second quarter of 2025 the Department will launch its first ever live-in program. With recent renovations to Station #1 we are now able to accommodate members 24 hours per day. Live-in members will be provided rent and utility free accommodations including their own private bedroom and use of the kitchen, dayroom, and laundry facilities for free in exchange for running calls while at the Station.
Volunteer Fire Investigator
We strive to determine the origin and cause of all fires within the Fire District. In order to complete a proper “O&C” investigation it requires significant time and manpower after a fire to “dig out” the area of origin and look for clues to determine the ignition source. Fire investigators follow the scientific method to determine the origin and cause of the fire.
No experience required as you will be partnered with the Fire Marshal or other investigator while learning the trade.
Basic classes required for ALL members within 1 year of appointment:
- Introduction to Firefighting
- Introduction to PPE
- Wildland Firefighting
- CPR Certification
Volunteer Driver/Operator
Not everyone has the desire to go inside a burning building or run medical calls but still want to participate. Driving large vehicles is a skill and driving them with 500 to 1,000 gallons of water on board while running lights and sirens requires significantly more skill. If you are comfortable driving large trucks and operating the pumps on fire apparatus then this position is for you!
This position requires the member to respond to the closest Station and bring whatever vehicle is needed to mitigate the emergency situation: Engine, Tanker, Brush Truck, Ladder, Rescue Boat, etc. Your job is to drive that vehicle to the scene safely and quickly and then be proficient with the operation of that vehicle including engaging the pumps, setting proper pressures, connecting hoses, and getting water to our firefighters on the scene.
Basic classes required for ALL members within 1 year of appointment:
- Introduction to Firefighting
- Introduction to PPE
- Wildland Firefighting
- CPR Certification
- Emergency Vehicle Operations Course
- Basic Pump Operations
Volunteer Administrative Support
Not everyone has the desire to respond to emergency calls but wants to contribute in a very meaningful way. A great deal of time in a firehouse is spent on administrative functions. These include reviewing and approving fire incident reports (checking for completeness, grammar, spelling, etc.), fulfilling FOIA requests, processing new hire applications, enrolling (or de-enrolling) members in various benefit programs, entering training records, updating personnel records, compiling reports, etc.
If you are a computer literate person that is data driven then we have a spot for you to serve your community! Fill out an application and stop by Station #1 and let’s talk.
Volunteer Facility Maintenance Support
Not everyone has the desire to respond to emergency calls but wants to contribute in a very meaningful way. A great deal of time in a firehouse is spent on repair and maintenance of facilities, vehicles, equipment, and tools. We are always looking for skilled individuals that can perform vehicle maintenance such as changing oil, lubricating parts, installing 12V electrical components: lights, sirens, switches, changing burnt out bulbs, tracing electrical failures, etc.
If you are skilled in the trades and want to give back and serve your community when you can then we have a spot for you to serve your community! Fill out an application and stop by Station #1 and let’s talk.
Tolliver AshtonAshton Tolliver Fire Chief Send message » Phone501-470-1200 EXT 14 Ashmore DriveMayflower, AR 72106Unit #201
8AM – 4PM, Mon.-Fri.
Email: mayflower.fire@arkansas.gov
Station #1
4 Ashmore Drive
Mayflower City Center
5 Ashmore Drive, Mayflower, AR 72106
City Phone Directory: (501) 470-1337
Monday – Thursday, 7:00 am – 5:30 pm. Closed on Friday.