Fire Stations

Your Mayflower Fire Department has two fire stations and multiple apparatus and vehicles to handle emergency calls throughout the Fire District. Apparatus assignments can fluctuate based on the needs of the Department. Our long range plans call for additional stations to the north and south. 

Click on the photos for enlarged versions.

Fire Station #1 - Ashmore Drive

Station #1 is our main fire station that houses our administrative offices, living quarters, and is home to our day crew firefighters. Most calls for service are answered from this station. Pafford EMS also posts to this station 14 hours per day to provide local coverage.

We are happy to let neighboring fire departments use our SCBA fill station and PPE washer/dryer whenever needed.

Fire Station #1

Station #2 is located outside the city limits on Easterwood Point Road and serves the western part of our Fire District.  It is staffed and maintained by our volunteer firefighters.

Station 2
Station 2, 48 Easterwood Point Road, Mayflower, AR

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