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The Mayflower Planning Commission also convenes as the Board of Zoning Adjustment as provided for in Mayflower Municipal Code Title 14, Chapter 4, Section 11 when necessary during their regular meetings.  The Board hears:

Appeals from the decisions of the Mayor (or his Code Enforcement Officer) in respect to the enforcement and application of the zoning regulation; and may affirm or reverse, in whole or in part, said decision of the Code Enforcement Officer.

They also hear requests for variances from the literal provisions of the zoning regulation in instances where strict enforcement of the zoning ordinance would cause undue hardship due to circumstances unique to the individual property under consideration, or where unique mitigating circumstances exist in the immediate area, such as public or private open space or similar buffers, and grant such variances only when it is demonstrated that such action will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the provisions of the zoning regulation.

Planning Commission Calendar

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