City of Mayflower Site Plan Review
Site Plan Review is a development review process that provides for case consideration of project, including the provision of parking and landscaping, drainage, siting of buildings, and the compatibility of the proposed development with adjacent uses.
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City of Mayflower
Planning Commission

P.O. Box 69
Mayflower, AR 72106
[email protected]

Mayflower City Seal

Application for:


City of Mayflower Planning Commission

Rules and regulations for Site Plan Review and Approval

The Planning Commission shall review Site Plans prior to the issuance of a building permit. The plan will be assessed for compatibility with standards and criteria provided herein. Public hearing of a site plan proposal shall take place at scheduled meetings at which time interested persons may appear and offer information in support of or against the proposed site plan. The Planning Commission, following said public hearing, will then take one of the following steps: approve the site plan as submitted; approve the site plan with modifications; defer the site plan for future review; or deny the site plan.

In addition to the special requirements of this section, the Planning Commission may impose on a site plan such additional requirements as are necessary to safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare. The Planning Commission may require the applicant to submit a revised site plan incorporating the imposed requirements and modifications or may elect to approve a site plan on the contingency the requirements and modifications will be made.

Any application for a zoning classification or building permit which involves site plan review may be initiated by the owner or other person having a contractual interest in the property, or by the authorized agent of such owner or person.

Site Plan Review is a development review process that provides for case consideration of project, including the provision of parking and landscaping, drainage, siting of buildings, and the compatibility of the proposed development with adjacent uses.

All development shall be designed in such a way as to minimize any potential deleterious impact on the surrounding area. Special attention shall be given to buffering multi-family, commercial and industrial developments from adjacent single-family areas. Design of the internal street system, ingress and egress, off-street parking, loading and pedestrian ways shall be sensitive to such conditions as safety, convenience, separation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, general attractiveness, and the proper relationship of different land uses. Landscaped areas shall be provided to reduce erosion, heat and glare, and said areas shall be maintained in an attractive condition. Existing trees on a development site shall be retained where possible. Screening, open space or other buffer may be required to give adequate separation between uses which are not compatible and shall also be provided for the beautification and enhancement of the property.

Applicable Zoning Districts

  1. All uses in commercial districts
  2. I-1, Industrial Park
  3. R-2, Multi- Family Dwellings
  4. OS, Open Space District
  5. All Conditional Uses

Site Plan Submission
The submission requirements for the review of a site plan preceding the receipt of the building permit shall include the following:

  1. A site plan to be submitted on white paper no larger than twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches, and no smaller than eight and one-half (8.5) inches by eleven (11) inches, and including:
    • Graphic scale and magnetic North direction
    • Proposed lot lines, if applicable
    • Existing and proposed vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems including streets, alleys, walkways, service areas and loading street parking areas and all points of vehicular ingress and egress.
    • Proposed perimeter of the property, indicating screening materials to be used including fences, walls, and plant materials.
    • Schematic landscape plan showing proposed treatment of any areas designated as private common open space.
    • Location and dimension of all existing and proposed utility drainage, and street easements and all existing public improvements within the site.
    • Proposed location of structures and structural dimensions, dimension of distances between buildings, and distances from structures to property lines.
    • Engineering drawings with pertinent location, dimensions and capacity of surface drainage in conformance with at least the minimum requirements of the city’s Subdivision Regulation Ordinance.
    • Statement of proposed use of land and structures.
  2. A topographical cross section map of the site and the location of the 100 year flood elevation if involved on the parcel of land.
  3. Quantitative data including the following information:
    a. Parcel size.
    b. Proposed building coverage of principal and accessory buildings.
    c. Proposed floor area of principal and accessory buildings.
    d. Proposed number of parking spaces.
  4. A registered land survey showing the exact property or boundary lines, including a legal description of the total site(s) proposed for development, including a statement of present ownership.

Site Plan Disapproval
A finding by the Planning Commission of lack of compliance with the following standards may result in disapproval.

  1. The proposed site plan is incomplete or contains or reveals violations of this Regulation or applicable zoning regulations which the applicant has, after written request, failed or refused to supply or correct.
  2. The proposed site plan does not comply with the minimum height and bulk and area or density regulations applicable to the zoning classification for which the site plan has been requested.
  3. The proposed site plan does not comply with the minimum screening and landscaping requirements of the city of Mayflower as determined by the Planning Commission or the City Council.
  4. The proposed site plan interferes unnecessarily with easement, road-ways, utilities, and other public or private rights-of-way.
  5. The proposed pedestrian and vehicular circulation systems incorporated in the site plan subsequently create hazards to safety on or off the site.
  6. The proposed site plan does not conform to the minimum drainage requirements found in the Subdivision Regulation.
  7. The proposed site plan violates the basic intent of this Regulation or does not comply with those conditions which were stipulated at the time of zoning designation.

Effect of Approval
An approved site plan shall be binding on the applicants and their successors and assignees. No building permit shall be issued for any building or structure not in conformance with the site plan. The construction, location, use, or operation of all land and structures within the site shall be in accordance with all conditions and limitations set forth in the site plan. No structure, use or other element of an approved site plan shall be eliminated, altered, or provided in another manner unless an amendment is approved in accordance with this section, provided, however, that the Mayor of Mayflower or his designate may approve such minor changes in the site plan as will not cause any of the following circumstances to occur:

  1. Any change in the allowable use of the development.
  2. An increase of greater than five (5) per cent in the number of dwelling units, but not to exceed the total allowable dwelling units in the respective zoning classification.
  3. Any modification compounding the problems of vehicular circulation, safety, and provision of public utilities.
  4. Any modification having an adverse impact on adjacent property.
  5. Any appreciable reduction of the approved building setback lines.
  6. Any reduction of the off-street parking and loading requirements below those specified in this Ordinance.

Whenever the individual responsible for reviewing building permits finds that any proposed construction or occupancy will not comply with the approved site plan, the question shall be referred to the Planning Commission for review.

Amendments and Modifications
The holder of an approved site plan may request modification of the site plan or the conditions of approval by submitting an amended site plan which shall be filed and processed in the same manner as the original application.

Any applicant aggrieved by a decision of the Planning Commission as it relates to the site plan review process shall have the right to appeal to the city of Mayflower City Council.

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