City of Mayflower Rezoning Application
Application for rezoning of property within the city limits of Mayflower.
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City of Mayflower

2 Ashmore Drive
P.O. Box 69
Mayflower, AR 72106
[email protected]

Application for:


Zoning District: An area of land designated in the zoning ordinance in which requirements for the use of land and building and development standards are prescribed.

Variance: An exception from the strict application of the provisions of this ordinance.

Reclassification: An amendment to or a change in the zoning ordinance reflecting a change or revision or modification of the zoning district boundary map.

11.04.17 Fees.
All fees associated with building, construction, and land development issues shall be set by the City Council and shall be modified or amended, from time to time, without necessity of an ordinance, as the City Council may deem it necessary.

I.  The Filing Fees for Rezoning shall be as follows:

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