City of Mayflower Moderate Impact Home Business Permit
Home business/occupations complying with the criteria established in this ordinance and defined as low impact occupations shall be permitted by right with no Accessory Use Permit required. Moderate impact occupations shall commence operation only after the receipt of an Accessory Use Permit from the city of Mayflower.
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City of Mayflower

2 Ashmore Drive
P.O. Box 69
Mayflower, AR 72106
[email protected]

Application for:



Upon approval of this permit the City of Mayflower gives permission for this project in accordance with local ordinances. However, there may be subdivision covenants and restrictions that apply, and this permit does not void or override those covenants and restrictions.

Moderate Impact Home Business/Occupation
This type of home business/occupation has some type of impact on the existing neighborhood. Typically, this type of home business/occupation is an office use where the resident-occupant conducts business with customers on-site; where equipment, other than office equipment, exist to conduct the home business/occupation; where a company vehicle and/or company trailer exist. A moderate impact home business/occupation is a home business/occupation operated in such a manner that the average neighbor would be aware of its existence due to traffic, noise, or equipment. Examples of this type of home business/ occupation include, but are not limited to; contractor’s office, locksmiths, swimming pool cleaning, financial planning, lawn care/maintenance, day care center (more than 5 children), etc.

Permit Requirements
Moderate impact occupations shall commence operation only after the receipt of an Accessory Use Permit from the city of Mayflower.

Application Procedure
The property owner or an authorized agent shall apply for an accessory use permit under the guidelines. Accessory use applications may be submitted for review by the Mayflower Planning Commission at any time. Approval by a majority of the Mayflower Planning Commission is sufficient for issuance of an accessory use permit.

Compliance Criteria for Home Business/Occupations
The home business/occupation permit shall be denied when any of the following conditions are found to exist:

A. More than 33% of the floor space of the principal residential structure (or over 1,000 square feet, whichever is less) shall be used for the operation of the home business/ occupation.

B. More than one service or company vehicle shall be parked, stored or maintained on the premises. The following types of vehicles are expressly prohibited at any time:

1. All commercial tow vehicles or vehicle carriers
2. Dump trucks or trash haulers
3. Flat bed or stake bed trucks
4. Trucks or buses used in inter or intrastate commerce
5. Vans with a capacity of one ton or larger, used for other than a private passenger vehicle
6. School or church buses or vans one ton in carrying capacity or greater
7. Any service or company vehicle with a capacity exceeding one ton

C. More than one trailer shall be allowed. (One trailer shall be allowed only as long as the trailer is attached to the service or company vehicle and is used for the transportation of equipment. The one trailer shall not be allowed if disconnected from the service or company vehicle without being stored in a garage or behind an approved fence enclosure. The one trailer shall not be parked or stored in the street, and shall not be parked or stored with trash, rubbish, or other nuisance materials.)

D. Temporary or permanent outside storage of equipment or materials shall be allowed.

E. Use of an accessory structure on this property for storage or any other purpose of conducting the business/occupation.

F. More than one employee or independent contractor shall be permitted to report to the premises for job assignment or to work at the premises. (No more than one employee shall be allowed at the premises, while functioning as an employee, other than immediate family members who reside on the premises.)

G. Additional building or remodeling shall be allowed on the premises to accommodate the home business/ occupation.

H. There shall be a display that will indicate from the exterior that the premises are being utilized in part for any purpose other than that of a dwelling unit.

I. There shall be display of the product(s) visible from the street.

J. A commodity shall be sold upon the premises, except that which is prepared on the premises. (Retail businesses are not allowed.)

K. The home business/occupation shall create a hazard to persons or property, or any offensive conditions such as excessive noise, vibrations, dust, glare, electrical interference, odor, or any other form of pollution of any nature.

L. Mechanical, electrical, or chemical equipment or any form of apparatus shall be utilized which interferes with or substantially disrupts the integrity or the character of the neighborhood.

M. Deliveries that pertain to the business which has an adverse impact on the neighborhood traffic, but shall not include Federal Express, UPS, or similar type earners.

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