Existing Commercial Sites

The City of Mayflower welcomes new businesses seeking the occupation and remodel of existing sites.

#1 - Confirm zoning and Overlay District applicability

Identify the zoning for your site and confirm the Mayflower zoning ordinances allow for your business to operate in that zone.  

If you are continuing the same usage of the building, even if it does not meet current zoning regulations, it may be permitted as long as the “occupancy type” does not change.

Check both the city zoning regulations and the Heart of Mayflower overlay districts for zoning rules.  The Heart of Mayflower overlay districts are in addition to zoning provided for in city ordinances for some parts of the city.

If your business type does not meet zoning requirements then you cannot proceed.  You may, however, fill out an rezoning application and petition the Planning Commission for rezoning.  This is not a guaranteed approval but it is an option available.

Latest Development News

Proposed Unified Development Ordinance

City News, Development

The goal of the proposed ordinance is to create safe venues for customers and to discourage illegal activities. The governing officials of... Read More Proposed Unified Development Ordinance

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