Adopted Building Codes & Ordinances

The City of Mayflower, Arkansas has adopted and enforces with permits and inspections the codes provided below.

The City of Mayflower has enacted Ordinance #2023-05 which modifies, with additional restrictions, the State Residential Building code for construction materials and methods for residential construction. 

Walls and framing constructed with 2”x4” studs shall be constructed with no more than a maximum width of sixteen (16) inches between the center of studs. For roof framing work, contractors using 2”x4” for roof framing work shall allow no more than sixteen (16) inches between trusses. When 2”x6” or 2”x8” or larger lumber is used for framing for roofing, builders may construct with trusses up to twenty-four (24) inches between the center of trusses.

No “flex duct” or similar flexible duct work products shall be allowed for heating and cooling duct work. Materials used in heating and cooling duct work shall be of a rigid aluminum material.

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Proposed Unified Development Ordinance

City News, Development

The goal of the proposed ordinance is to create safe venues for customers and to discourage illegal activities. The governing officials of... Read More Proposed Unified Development Ordinance

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