Mayflower Municipal Codes

Chapter 13.08 – Flood Damage Prevention Regulatory Code

13.08.01 Code adopted by reference
13.08.02 Penalty
13.08.03 Variance to Flood Damage Prevention Code

13.08.01 Code adopted by reference. There is hereby adopted by reference a Flood Damage Prevention Regulatory Code for the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, such Flood Damage Prevention Regulatory Code having been delegated by the legislature of the state of Arkansas and set forth in Arkansas Statutes Sections 21-1901 through 21-1904 (Act 629 of 1969). A copy of the referenced regulatory code shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk’s office and shall be available for inspection and copying by any person during normal office hours. The code shall include the following articles:

ARTICLE 1. Statutory authorization, findings of fact, purpose and methods
ARTICLE 2. Definitions
ARTICLE 3. General provisions
ARTICLE 4. Administration
ARTICLE 5. Provisions for flood hazard reduction
(Ord. No. 2006-6)

13.08.02 Penalty. Flood hazards are reduced by compliance with the provisions of this code. Accordingly, enforcement of this ordinance discourages non-compliance and is a recognized mechanism for flood hazard reduction.

The Floodplain Administrator must enforce the provisions of this ordinance and is
authorized to:

A. Issue cease and desist orders on non-compliant floodplain development projects;
B. Issue citations for non-compliance;
C. Request that FEMA file a 1316 Action (Denial of Flood Insurance) against noncompliant properties; and
D. Take any other lawful action necessary to prevent or remedy any instance of noncompliance with the provisions of this ordinance.

  1. It is a misdemeanor to violate or fail to comply with any provision of this ordinance.
  2. Any person found, in a court of competent jurisdiction, guilty of violating this ordinance is subject to fines of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per day for each violation; in addition, the defendant is subject to payment of all associated court costs and costs involved in the case.
    (Ord. No. 2006-6, Sec. 11.)

13.08.03 Variance to Flood Damage Prevention Code

Robert Melton is hereby granted permission to continue and finish construction of his home at 186 Jackson Avenue, Mayflower, Arkansas, given the consideration of the statements on the attached Affidavit. (Ord. No. 2021-01, Sec. 1)

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