Mayflower Municipal Codes

Chapter 11.24 – Building Code

11.24.01 Adoption of Building Code
11.24.02 Establishment of office of Building Official
11.24.03 Qualifications of Building Official
11.24.04 Duties of Building Official
11.24.05 Liability
11.24.06 Right of entry
11.24.07 Definitions
11.24.08 Fire limits established
11.24.09 Saving clause
11.24.10 Validity
11.24.11 Building line
11.24.12 Hazardous conditions
11.24.13 Fine
11.24.14 Walls and Framing
11.24.15 Duct work products
11.24.16 Automatic Adoption of Amended or Revised Building Codes

11.24.01 Adoption of Building Code. There is hereby adopted by the City Council of Mayflower, Arkansas, for the purpose of establishing rules and regulations for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, that certain Building Code be known as the National Builder’s Code recommended by the American Insurance Association, being particularly the 1967 edition thereof and the whole thereof, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified, or amended, of which not less than three (3) copies have been and now are filed in the office of the Clerk or Recorder of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, the provisions thereof shall be controlling in the construction of all buildings and structures therein contained with the corporate limits of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas.
(Ord. No. 57, Sec. 1.)

11.24.02 Establishment of office of Building Official
A. The office of Building Official is hereby established and the executive official in charge shall be known as the Building Official.

B. The Building Official shall be appointed by the Mayor of Mayflower. His appointment shall continue during good behavior and satisfactory service. He shall not be removed from office except for cause and after full opportunity has been given to him to be hard on specific charges.

C. During temporary absence or disability of the Building Official the Mayor shall Building Official.
(Ord. No. 57, Sec. 2.)

11.24.03 Qualifications of Building Official. He shall be in good health, physically capable of making the necessary examinations and inspections. He shall not have any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in the sale or manufacture of any material, process or device entering into or used in or connected with building construction, alterations, removal, and demolition.
(Ord. No. 57, Sec. 3.)

11.24.04 Duties of Building Official

A. He shall receive applications required by this code, issue permits and furnish the prescribed certificates. He shall examine the premises for which permits have been issued and shall make necessary inspections to see that the provisions of law are complied with and that construction is prosecuted safely. He shall enforce all provisions of the building code. He shall, when requested by proper authority, or when the public interest so requires, make investigations in connection with matters referred to in the building code and render written reports on the same. To enforce compliance with law, to remove illegal or unsafe conditions, to secure the necessary safeguards during construction, or to require adequate exit facilities in buildings and structures, he shall issue such notices or orders as may be necessary.

B. Inspections required under the provisions of the Building Code shall be made by the building official or his duly appointed assistant. The Building Official may accept reports of inspectors of recognized inspection services, after investigation Of their qualifications and reliability. No certificate called for by any provision of the Building Code shall be issued on such reports unless the same are in writing and certified to by a responsible office of such service.

C. The Building Official shall keep comprehensive records of applications, of permits issued, or certificates issued, of inspections made, of reports rendered, and of notices or orders issued.

D. All such records shall be open to public inspection for good and sufficient reasons at the stated office hours, but shall not be removed from the office of the building official without his written consent.

E. The Building Official shall make written reports to his immediate superior once each month, or more often if requested, including statements of permits and certificates issued, and orders promulgated.
(Ord. No. 57, Sec. 4.)

11.24.05 Liability Any officer or employee, or member of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals, charged with the enforcement of this code, acting for the city in the discharge of his duties, shall not hereby render himself liable personally, and he is hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted on the discharge of his duties. Any suit brought against any officer or employee because of such act performed by him in the enforcement of any provision of this code shall be defended by the Mayflower City Attorney or a legal representative of the city. (Ord. No. 57, Sec. 5.)

11.24.06 Right of entry. The Building Official, in the discharge of his official duties, and upon proper identification, shall have authority to enter any building, structure or premises at any reasonable hour.
(Ord. No. 57, Sec. 6.)

11.24.07 Definitions
A. Wherever the word “Municipality” is used in the Building Code, it shall be held
to mean the city of Mayflower, Arkansas.
B. Wherever the term “Corporation Counsel: is used in the Building Code, it shall be
held to mean the Attorney for the city of Mayflower, Arkansas. (Ord. No. 57, Sec.

11.24.08 Fire limits established. The fire limits of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, are hereby established as follows:

The fire limits of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, extend beyond the city limits. (Ord. No. 57, Sec. 8.)

11.24.09 Saving clause. Nothing in this ordinance or in the Building Code hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding now pending in any court, or any rights acquired, or liability incurred not any cause or causes of action accrued or existing, under any act or ordinance repealed hereby. Nor shall any right or remedy of any character by lost, impaired or affected by this ordinance.
(Ord. No. 57, Sec. 9.)

11.24.10 Validity. The invalidity of any section or provision of this ordinance or of the Building Code hereby adopted shall not invalidate other sections or provisions thereof.
(Ord. No. 57, Sec. 10.)

11.24.11 Building line. The building line for all buildings and structures shall be established at 25 feet from all city street right-of-ways. The building line from property lines shall be established at seven and one-half feet (7 ½). The distance between buildings shall be ten (10) feet.
(Ord. No. 88-4, Sec. 1.)

11.24.12 Hazardous conditions. No buildings, structures, fences, signs, trees, shrubs or hedges shall be placed that creates a hazardous condition for people traveling on city streets or highways within the city limits.
(Ord. No. 88-4, Sec. 2.)

11.24.13 Fine. Violation of this ordinance shall constitute a public nuisance, and the owner or resident shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) and not to exceed Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per day for such continued violation thereof.
(Ord. No. 88-4, Sec. 3.)

11.24.14 Walls and Framing. Walls and framing constructed with 2”x4” studs shall be constructed with no more than a maximum width of sixteen (16) inches between the center of studs. For roof framing work, contractors using 2”x4” for roof faming work shall allow no more than sixteen (16) inches between trusses. When 2”x6” or 2”x8” or larger lumber is used for framing for roofing, builders may construct with trusses up to twenty-four (24) inches between the center of trusses.
(Ord. No. 2023-05, Sec. 1.)

11.24.15 Duct work products. No “flex duct” or similar flexible duct work products shall be allowed for heating and cooling duct work. Materials used in heating and cooling duct work shall be of a rigid aluminum material.
(Ord. No. 2023-05, Sec. 2.)

11.24.16 Automatic Adoption of Amended or Revised Building Codes: It is the intent of the City Council to automatically adopt any subsequent amendments, revisions, or updated versions of each and every building code described in Section 1, immediately upon adoption by the State of Arkansas of such updated policies. In the event that the City should desire to not approve certain amendments or changes to state building codes, the City Council shall specify and describe such exemptions by future ordinance.
(Ord. No. 2023-04, Sec. 3)

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