11.08.01 Definitions
11.08.02 State Code
11.08.03 Inspection and supervision
11.08.04 Applications; permits
11.08.05 Bond
11.08.06 Street openings
11.08.07 Cross Connection- back flow
11.08.08 Penalties
11.08.09 Amendments
11.08.10 Adoption of Plumbing Code
11.08.01 Definitions. Plumbing for the purposes of this ordinance is hereby defined as the definitions of Act 200 of 1951 of Arkansas and the Arkansas State Plumbing Code.
(Ord. No. 121, Sec. 1.)
11.08.02 State Code. The provisions and regulations of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code, and amendments thereto, adopted by the State Board of Health of Arkansas are made a part of this ordinance by reference, three certified copies of which shall be on file in the office of the City Clerk, and shall extend over and govern the installation of all plumbing installed, altered or repaired within or without the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, wherever water and/or sewage service originating from the Municipal Water and/or Sewer System is furnished.
(Ord. No. 121, Sec. 2.)
11.08.03 Inspection and supervision
A. There is hereby created the position of plumbing inspector or inspectors who shall be employed by the city of Mayflower, Arkansas.
B. The plumbing inspector or inspectors shall have experience in plumbing to the extent that enables him to know when plumbing is installed correctly.
C. The plumbing inspector or inspectors shall not be directly connected in anyway with any person, firm, corporation, directly or indirectly engaged in the business of plumbing, or plumbing suppliers.
D. The inspector shall receive as full compensation for his services, a salary designated by the city of Mayflower, Arkansas.
E. It shall be the duty of the plumbing inspector or inspectors to enforce all provisions of this ordinance, and such inspector or inspectors are hereby granted the authority to enter all buildings within or outside of the corporate limits of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, when such buildings are connected, or to be connected to the Municipal Water and/or Sewage system.
F. The plumbing inspector shall prepare or cause to be prepared suitable forms for applications, permits, inspection reports and other such materials.
G. It shall be the duty of the plumbing inspector to inspect and test all plumbing work for, compliance with this ordinance and its adopted plumbing code, and to enforce changing of such installations that does not meet the requirements. It further shall be his duty to see that all persons installing or altering plumbing shall be qualified by state law.
(Ord. No. 121, Sec. 3.)
11.08.04 Applications; permits
A. Before beginning any work in the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, the person installing or altering same, shall apply to the plumbing inspector or other designated official and obtain a permit to do such work. Only those persons legally authorized to do plumbing may be issued permits. A permit may be issued to a home owner to install or alter plumbing in a single-family residence, providing the home owner does the work himself and that such work shall meet the code requirements.
B. All applications for permits shall be made on suitable forms provided. The application shall be accompanied by fees in accordance with the following schedule:
Plumbing rough-in inspections – $3.50
Each plumbing fixture and/or water and/or waste discharging devices – $1.00
New or reconstructed sewer connection – $2.00
Each septic tank system – $2.00
Hot water heater, new or replaced – $2.00
Water service or connection – $2.00
For final certificate of inspector – $3.50
An additional fee of $2.50 shall be charged for each additional trip on the part of the plumbing inspector caused by the negligence of the plumber of not being ready for inspection or a return for inspection of a corrected installation.
(Ord. No. 121, Sec. 4.)
11.08.05 Bond. Every master plumber doing business in the city of Mayflower, shall execute and deliver to the city a bond with a surety bonding company in the sum of $1,000 to indemnify the city or any citizen for any damage caused by the failure of such master plumber to comply strictly with the provisions of this ordinance. No plumbing permit shall be issued to any master plumber unless this bond has been delivered to the city and is in full force and effect.
(Ord. No. 121, Sec. 5.)
11.08.06 Street openings
A. All openings made in the public streets or alleys to install plumbing must be made as carefully as possible and all materials excavated from the trenches shall be removed or placed where the least inconvenience to the public will be caused.
B. All openings must be replaced in precisely the same condition as before the excavation started and all rubbish and material must be removed at once, leaving the street or sidewalks clean and in perfect repair.
C. All openings shall be marked with sufficient barriers. Flares or red lamps shall be maintained around the openings at night and all other precautions shall be taken by the plumber or excavator to protect the public from damage to person or property.
(Ord. No. 121, Sec. 6.)
11.08.07 Cross connections – back flow
A. The City Water Department of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, and the city plumbing inspector of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, are hereby authorized to discontinue or cause to be discontinued all water service or services to any and all premises, lands, buildings or structures where it is found that an immediate hazard exists to the purity or potability of the city water supply, by reason of the requirements of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code and the City Plumbing Code and the regulations of the Arkansas State Board of Health having not been complied with.
B. The City Water Department of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, and the city plumbing inspector of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, are hereby authorized and directed to take such steps as necessary to determine all potential hazards to the purity or potability of the city water supply which exist. Upon determining said potential hazards it shall be the duty of said department and said inspector to immediately cause notice to go to the owner or such other person responsible for said premises, specifying said hazards, and notifying said person that in the event that said hazard is not corrected within thirty (30) days from the date of said notice, all water services shall be discontinued thereafter until the requirements of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code, and the regulations of the Arkansas State Board of Health have been complied with.
(Ord. No. 121, Sec. 7.)
11.08.08 Penalties. any person, firm or corporation found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) nor more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), together with the costs of such persecution. Each day during which violation continues shall be a separate offense.
(Ord. No. 121, Sec. 8.)
11.08.09 Amendments. The Arkansas Plumbing Code 2006 Edition section 606.1 of the code address the requirements and locations of full-open, shut-off and isolation valves and states the following:
1. On the building water service pipe from the public water supply near the curb.
2. On the water distribution supply pipe at the entrance into the structure.
3. On the discharge side of every water meter.
4. On the base of every water riser pipe in occupancies other than multiple-family residential occupancies that are two stories or less in height and in one-and two-residential occupancies.
5. On the top of every water down-feed pipe in occupancies other than one- and two-family residential occupancies.
6. On the entrance of every water supply pipe to a dwelling unit, except where supplying a single fixture equipped with individual stops.
7. On the water supply pipe to a gravity or pressurized water tank.
8. On the water supply pipe to every water heater.
(Ord. No. 2017-04, Sec. 1)
As part of the Arkansas Plumbing Code, it is believed the wording in the code is ambiguous and was never intended to require redundant valves unless there was a special circumstance such as the water meter being located within a building structure. Therefore, under the authority of chapter one of the code, it is the Committee’s interpretation of section 601.1 that two (2) shut-off valves is unnecessary.
(Ord. No. 2017-04, Sec. 2)
From the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, that all new and existing customer that is being furnished potable water by the City of Mayflower, Arkansas is required to have two (2) shut-off valves – a shut-off valve installed on the discharge side of every water meter and a shut-off valve installed on the entrance to every water supply pipe to a dwelling unit, except where supplying a single fixture equipped with individual stops.
(Ord. No. 2017-04, Sec. 3)
11.08.10 Adoption of Plumbing Code:
Effective immediately upon the passage of this ordinance, all building codes listed below shall be adopted by the City of Mayflower, with full force and effect to all residential and commercial building permits issued after the date of passage of this ordinance:
2018 Arkansas Plumbing Code
(Ord. No. 2023-04, Sec. I)