Mayflower Municipal Codes

Chapter 10.20 – Cross-Connection

10.20.01 Purpose
10.20.02 Definitions
10.20.03 Operation criteria
10.20.04 Facilities requiring backflow prevention
10.20.05 Approval of backflow prevention devices
10.20.06 Non-compliance, disconnection, notice and consent to entry
10.20.07 Ownership
10.20.08 Installation and costs
10.20.09 Testing and maintenance
10.20.10 Water meters
10.20.11 Compliance deadlines

10.20.01 Purpose. The three purposes of this ordinance are: (1) To provide for the protection of the public potable water supply. (2) To isolate at the service connection any actual or potential pollution or contamination within the consumers’ premises. (3) To provide a continuous, systematic and effective program of cross-connection control. (Ord. No. 96-4, Sec. 1.)

10.20.02 Definitions. As used in this ordinance, a BACKFLOW shall mean the unapproved flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the distribution pipes of the Mayflower Water System, specifically flows from unintended sources.

An AUXILIARY WATER SUPPLY is any source of water other than the Mayflower Water System.

A BACKFLOW PREVENTER shall mean a device or means to prevent BACKFLOW. Two different assemblies may be used as a BACKFLOW PREVENTER:

A. “Double-check valve assembly” is an device composed of two (2) single, independently acting, approved check valves, including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable test cocks for testing the water-tightness of each check valve.

B. “Reduced-pressure-principle backflow prevention assembly” is a device containing a minimum of two (2) independently acting, approved check valves, together with an automatically operated pressure differential relief valve located between the check valves. (This assembly will include two (2) cut-off valves and four (4) test cocks.) (Ord. No. 96-4, Sec. 2.)

10.20.03 Operation criteria. It is the primary responsibility of the Mayflower Water System to evaluate the hazards inherent in supplying a consumer’s water system, i.e., determine whether solid, liquid or gaseous pollutants or contaminants are, or may be, handled on the consumer’s premises in such a manner as to possibly permit contamination of the public water system. When a hazard or potential hazard to the public water system is found on the consumer’s premises, the consumer shall be required to install an approved BACKFLOW PREVENTER at each public water service connection to the premises in accordance with this ordinance. The type of BACKFLOW PREVENTER shall depend on the degree of hazard involved, as described in AWWA Manual M-14 or as described below (A-E). Where more than one type of protection is possible, the actual method utilized shall be at the discretion of the City of Mayflower and based on a physical inspection of the hazard.

A. On any premises where there is an AUXILIARY WATER SUPPLY there shall be no physical connection between this AUXILIARY WATER SUPPLY and the consumer’s water system, while being served by the Mayflower Water System. Where such connections are found, the AUXILIARY WATER SUPPLY shall be disconnected immediately. To protect against the possibility of future reconnection, the Mayflower Water System will also be disconnected until an approved reduced-pressure-principle backflow prevention assembly is installed at the public water service connection.

B. On any premises where there is water or any substance that would be objectionable, but not hazardous to health, if introduced into the Mayflower Water System, the public water system shall be protected by an approved doublecheck valve backflow prevention assembly.

C. On any premises where there is any material dangerous to health which is handled in such a fashion as to create an actual or potential hazard to the Mayflower Water System, the public water system shall be protected by an approved reduced pressure-principle backflow prevention assembly.

D. On any premises where there are “uncontrolled” cross-connections, either actual or potential, the Mayflower Water System shall be protected by an approved reduced-pressure principle backflow prevention assembly at the service connection.

E. On any premises where it is impossible or impractical to make a complete in-plant cross-connection survey or physical inspection of the hazard, the Mayflower Water System shall be protected by the installation of an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assembly at the service connection. (Ord. No. 96-4, Sec. 3.)

10.20.04 Facilities requiring backflow prevention. The following is a partial list of facilities which may require reduced-pressure-principle backflow preventers at the service connection. This requirement is based upon the degree of hazard afforded the Mayflower Water System.

A. Car/Truck wash
C. Exterminators
D. Commercial boilers or chilled water systems
E. Fire protection systems, including sprinklers
F. Hospitals, medical buildings, sanitariums, morgues, mortuaries, autopsy facilities,
nursing and convalescent homes, medical clinics, and veterinarian clinics.
G. Irrigation systems
H. Laundries
I. Radiator shops
J. Restricted, classified or other closed facilities
K. Sand and gravel pits
L. Wastewater treatment plants, pump stations and storm water pumping facilities
M. Structures in floodplain or waterfront ofrivers or lakes
N. In-ground swimming pools
O. Others, as found with suspected high hazards

The following is a partial list of facilities which may require double-check valve backflow prevention assemblies. This requirement is based upon the degree of hazard afforded the Mayflower Water System.

A. Multi-family housing
B. Beauty parlors and barber shops
C. Physician and dental offices or clinics
D. Greenhouses and nurseries
E. Hotels and motels
F. Laundries
G. Restaurants, food service, and butcher shops
H. Automobile/truck service stations
I. Pet shops, kennels and pet grooming
J. Others, as found with suspected low hazards (Ord. No. 96-4, Sec. 4.)

10.20.05 Approval of backflow prevention devices. Any backflow prevention device or assembly required by this ordinance shall be a type in accordance with AWWA specifications C506-78, or its latest revision, the Arkansas Department of Health Regulations and the City of Mayflower. (Ord. No. 96-4, Sec. 5.)

10.20.06 Non-compliance, disconnection, notice and consent to entry.

A. In emergency situations, when the public water supply is being contaminated or is in immediate anger of contamination, the offending water consumer’s premises shall be immediately disconnected from the Mayflower Water System.

B. No water service connection with the Mayflower Water System shall be installed on the premises of any consumer unless it can be determined that the public water system is protected, as required by this ordinance.

C. Delivery of water to the premises of any consumer may be discontinued by the Mayflower Water System if any BACKFLOW PREVENTER required by this ordinance has not been installed, or is defective, or has been removed or bypassed. Water service shall not be resumed until conditions at the consumer’s
premises have been abated or corrected to the satisfaction of the Mayflower Water System.

D. Upon discovery of a violation of this ordinance, written notice shall be given to the water consumer. If violations are not corrected by the date and time as stated on the written notice, the Mayflower Water System will be disconnected from the premises.

E. For the purpose of making any inspections or discharging the duties imposed by this ordinance, the Mayflower Water System and the Mayflower Code Enforcement Officer shall have the right to enter upon the premises of any water consumer. Each water consumer, as a condition of continued delivery to the
premises of water from the Mayflower Water System, shall be considered as having stated full consent to the entry upon the premises by the Mayflower Water System or the Mayflower Code Enforcement Officer for the purpose stated herein. (Ord. No. 96-4, Sec. 6.)

10.20.07 Ownership. The water consumer shall purchase, own and maintain all backflow prevention devices installed at the point of delivery to the consumer’s water system. (Ord. No. 96-4, Sec. 7.)

10.20.08 Installation and costs. Customers of the Mayflower Water System requiring backflow prevention devices or assemblies shall pay all costs associated with installation of the appropriate size and type of device under private contract. New installations for new construction or remodeling shall be completed prior to the final plumbing inspection, so that the required backflow prevention device or assembly can be included as a part of the inspection. Any such devices or assemblies shall be installed above ground in a location that is readily accessible for maintenance and testing and should be located not less than twelve inches (12″) above ground or more than thirty inches (30″) above the ground.
(Ord. No. 96-4, Sec. 8.)

10.20.09 Testing and maintenance

A. The required backflow prevention device or assembly must be installed by a licensed plumber. If the licensed plumber is also certified by the Arkansas Health Department to test backflow prevention installations, then the same licensed plumber may test and provide the Mayflower Water System with a certificate of such satisfactory testing. If the licensed plumber lacks certification from the Arkansas Health Department to perform such tests, a certified backflow assembly tester shall test the installation within ten (10) days after installation and provide the required certificate of such satisfactory testing to the Mayflower Water System.

B. The water consumer shall be responsible for the required annual testing of the backflow prevention device or assembly by contract with a certified backflow assembly tester. The water consumer will annually furnish the Mayflower Water System with a certificate of such satisfactory testing by the anniversary date of the approval of the installation.

C. In instances where the Mayflower Water System or Code Enforcement Officer deems the hazard to be serious and worthy, testing may be required at more frequent intervals with the associated costs being borne by the water consumer. Any maintenance fees required as a result of inspections or testing shall also be paid by the water consumer through private contract. Records of inspections, testing or repairs shall be kept by the Mayflower Water System and made available to the Arkansas Department of Health. (Ord. No. 96-4, Sec. 9.)

10.20.10 Water meters Pursuant to and consistent with an agreement between the city of Mayflower and an Agency of the Federal Government, each dwelling and each business consuming water from the Mayflower Water System shall have a single water meter. Multiple residences and multiple business on a shared water meter cannot be allowed. Water consumers that do not return significant amounts of water to the public sewer system, such as farm irrigation and in-ground swimming pools, may elect to separately meter such uses to avoid being charged for sewer use. Such metering will be at the expense of the water consumer. Multi-family housing and mobile home parks may continue with master metering, provided they agree to pay the commercial rate for water. (Ord. No. 96-4, Sec. 10.)

10.20.11 Compliance deadlines

A. All new construction, not having received a final plumbing inspection, shall comply with this ordinance upon the passage of this ordinance. Likewise, all provisions of Section 6 of this ordinance are effective and in full force upon the passage of this ordinance.

B. All existing water consumers of the Mayflower Water System with an AUXILIARY WATER SUPPLY are urged to remove any cross-connection immediately. Such existing water consumers shall comply with this requirement by May 1st, 1996.

C. All other existing water consumers of the Mayflower Water System shall be in compliance with this ordinance by December 31st, 1996. (Ord. No. 96-4, Sec. 11.)

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