Mayflower Municipal Codes

Chapter 10.16 – Water Extensions

10.16.01 Individual service connections
10.16.02 Approval of Council
10.16.03 Quitclaim Deed

10.16.01 Individual service connections New individual water utility tie-ons shall only be allowed where the land in question meets adopted city zoning and subdivision regulations for the area. Provided further, that in no event shall a water utility tie-on be allowed for any of said property within the city of Mayflower’s extraterritorial jurisdiction unless said property is first annexed to the city; or the owner(s) of said land agree to execute an acceptable pre-annexation agreement with the city providing for the future annexation of said land at a time to be determined by the city; or as approved by the City Council. The City Council will determine on an individual basis where extraordinary exceptions to this resolution may justify tie-ons as determined by established criteria designed to ensure the orderly growth of the city of
Mayflower. (Ord. No. 99-6, Sec. 2.)

10.16.02 Approval of Council

A. No new sewer utility main extension or individual tie-ons submitted to the city by the Mayflower Planning Commission and the Water Commission shall be allowed in incorporated or unincorporated areas outside of the city of Mayflower without the prior approval of the Mayflower City Council.

B. No new water main extensions or individual tie-ons submitted to the city by the Mayflower Planning Commission and the Water Commission shall be allowed in areas outside the city of Mayflower’s extraterritorial jurisdiction without the prior approval of the Mayflower City Council.
(Ord. No. 99-6, Sec. 3-4.)

10.16.03 Quitclaim Deed The Mayor and City Recorder are hereby authorized to execute a Quitclaim Deed, attached hereto as exhibit #1, to the Community Water System Inc., to 0.03 acres of city property more particularly described in the Deed and on the survey attached hereto as exhibit #2.
(Ord. No. 94-6, Sec. 1.)

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