9.16.01 Specifications
9.16.02 Dedication of streets
9.16.01 Specifications. Construction specifications for new streets accepted by the City Council:
Width of Right-of-Way – All street right-of-ways shall be fifty (50) feet wide.
Width of Streets – All streets shall be twenty (20) feet wide including shoulders.
Base of Streets – All streets shall be built of clay or shale or a combination of the two. A top coat of six (6) inches of SB2 gravel shall be applied to the base. The street shall be crowned and shaped for proper drainage.
Street Drain Ditches – All drain ditches shall be the proper depth and slope to allow for proper drainage.
Street Drain Tiles – All drain tiles and culverts shall be the proper size for drainage. All drain tile and culverts shall be covered to a depth of ten (10) inches from the crown of the roadway.
Seal Coat – Two layers of seal coat of the correct thickness shall be applied to all streets that are seal coated. (Ord. No. 88-8, Sec. 1.)
9.16.02 Dedication of streets. No street which shall hereafter be dedicated to public use by the proprietor of ground, shall be deemed a public street and to be under the care and control of the city of Mayflower, unless the dedication shall be accepted and confirmed by the City Council.
(Ord. No. 88-8, Sec. 2.)