6.12.01 Prohibited in the city limits
6.12.02 Specific animals or reptiles enumerated
6.12.03 Further prohibitions
6.12.04 Exceptions
6.12.05 Violations; penalties
6.12.01 Prohibited in the city. limits It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, maintain, sell or have in his possession or under his control within the city, any poisonous reptile or any other dangerous or carnivorous wild animal or reptile. (Ord. No. 2000-06, Sec. 1.)
6.12.02 Specific animals or reptiles enumerated. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, maintain, sell or have in his possession or under his control within the city, any of the following animals:
- All poisonous animals including rear-fang snakes.
- Apes: chimpanzees (Pan); gibbons (Hylobates); gorillas (Gorilla); orangutans (Pongo); and siamongs (Symphalangus).
- Baboons (Papoi, Mandrillus).
- Bears (Ursida).
- Cheetahs (Acinonys jubatus).
- Alligators or crocodilians (Crocodilia).
- Snakes.
- Coyotes (Canis latrans).
- Elephants (elephas and Loxodonta).
- Hippopotami (Hippopotamidae).
- Hyenas (Hyaenidae).
- Jaguars (Panthera onca).
- Leopards (panthera pardus).
- Lions (Panthera leo).
- Lynxes (Lynx).
- Monkey, old world (Cercopithecidae).
- Piranha fish (Characidae).
- Pumas (Felis concolor), also known as cougars, mountain lions and panthers.
- Rhinoceroses (Rhinocero tidae).
- Tigers (Panthera tigris).
- Wolves (Canis lupus).
- Skunks.
(Ord. No. 2000-06, Sec. 1.)
6.12.03 Further prohibitions. Those animals and reptiles listed in the previous subsection (6.12.02) are specific animals or reptiles prohibited, but this section is not limited to those animals or reptiles listed and any animal or reptile which meets the prohibitions of subsection (6.12.01 of this ordinance, although not listed in subsection (6.12.02) is also prohibited. (Ord. No. 2000-06, Sec. 1.)
6.12.04 Exceptions. This section does not apply to entertainment events approved by the City Council in advance or any veterinarians that operate within the corporate limits of the city of Mayflower. (Ord. No. 2000-06, Sec. 1.)
6.12.05 Violations: penalties. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to the penalties as set forth below. In addition, after seven (7) days’ written notice has been given to the owner of any such wild animal or reptile, the Mayor and Police Department are authorized to have the animal or reptile removed from the city limits.
Penalties. Any person convicted of a violation of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00, or double such sum for each repetition thereof. That the violation is in its nature, continuous in respective time, the penalty for allowing the continuance thereof, is a fine not to exceed $250.00 for each day that the violation is unlawfully continued. (Ord. No. 2000-06, Sec. 1.)