Mayflower Municipal Codes

Chapter 4.24 – Business Licenses

4.24.01 License required
4.24.02 Signed petition
4.24.03 Old site
4.24.04 Fine
4.24.05 Licenses required
4.24.06 Procurement of license
4.24.07 Application
4.24.08 False statement
4.24.09 Separate licenses
4.24.10 Non-returnable fee
4.24.11 Transfer prohibited
4.24.12 Posting
4.24.13 Schedule of license taxes
4.24.14 Coin-operated amusement

4.24.0 1 Licenses required. The conducting and carrying on of all trades, businesses, occupations, vacations, callings and professions, except those specifically exempted by the laws of the state of Arkansas, and also excepting public utilities otherwise taxed by the city, with the boundaries of the city of Mayflower, is hereby declared to be a privilege, and each and every person, firm or corporation conducting or engaging in any such trade, business, occupation, vocations, calling or profession, shall apply for and pay for a license therefore in the amounts and procedural requirements as set out. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec. 1.)

4.24.02 Signed petition. The establishment of a business within the city limits of the city of Mayflower, and within an established residential area will require a signed petition from the residents within one thousand three hundred twenty feet (1,320 ft.) In all directions of the business location. There must be seventy-five percent (75%) consent of one hundred percent (100%) of the property owners within the described area for the establishment of the business. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec. 2.)

4.24.03 Old site. An established business site that has not been in use as such for the previous twelve (12) months or more, and is sold and the new owner wished to start up the business or start a new business on said site is to comply with the requirements as set forth in Section two (2) of the ordinance. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec. 3.)

4.24.04 Fine. A business that is not in compliance with a city ordinance will be given ninety (90) days to comply. If the business does not comply, the business must terminate their business dealings immediately following the ninetieth (90) calendar day. If it is the owner’s desire to reopen past this ninetieth (90) day, a fine of $25.00 per month, which a month consist of one (1) to thirty (30) consecutive calendar days, plus the expense of a new license, six (6) months probation with an inspection at the end of the six (6) months to ensure compliance with the city ordinance. There shall be a penalty of $25.00 per month for a late renewal, and the City Council maintains the right to call for an inspection as a result of a written complaint, and may withdraw a license if the complaint is justified and verified through the inspection process. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec. 4.)

4.24.05 Licenses required. It shall be unlawful for any person in the city to engage in, exercise, or pursue any line of a business without first having obtained and paid for a city license from the City Recorder; the amount of which licenses are hereby fixed in Section ten (10). However, any person, form or corporation whose primary location is outside the city limits, maintains no permanent business in Mayflower, and who pays occupational license in another city, is exempt from this license. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec. 5.)

4.24.06 Procurement of license. Except as herein provided, all licenses issued under this ordinance shall become due on January 1st each year. If not paid by March 15th , a penalty of double the amount of the license fee provided will be assessed; also, if it becomes necessary for a city official to go to the business to collect, a $25.00 additional penalty will be imposed. All licenses shall be payable annually as herein provided no license shall be issued for a longer period of time than one (1) year. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec. 6.)

4.24.07 Application. Any person desiring to engage in, pursue, or carry on any of the occupations, callings or businesses mentioned in this ordinance, shall apply to the City Bookkeeper who shall collect from the applicant the license fee provided for herein, and the City Bookkeeper shall issue to the applicant his receipt and license certification. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec.7.)

4.24.08 False statement. It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly and willfully to make false written or verbal statement in applying for a license under this ordinance for the purpose of defrauding the city, by which statement a license is procured for a less sum than is lawfully due hereunder. It shall likewise be unlawful for any person to file or refuse to furnish the city all required information necessary to determine the amount of the annual occupational fee in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec. 8.)

4.24.09 Separate licenses. Any person engaged in two (2) or more trades, callings, vocations, businesses or professions enumerated in this ordinance shall be required to take a license for each separate trade, business, vocation or profession. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec. 9.)

4.24.10 Non-returnable fee. The license fee provided for in this ordinance, when paid for any period provided herein, shall not be returnable in case the licensee, for any reason, surrenders his license or discontinues his business, and any sum so paid shall not be returnable to any person. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec. 10.)

4.24.11 Transfer prohibited. No license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be transferred from one (1) person to another of from one (1) business to another without authorization for the City Council. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec. 11.)

4.24.12 Posting. Each license procured under the provisions of this chapter shall be posted in a permanent place where the business covered thereby is carried on, and the holder thereof shall immediately show such license to any officer of the city, upon being requested to do so. (Ord. No. 92-4, Sec. 12.)

4.24.13 Schedule of license taxes. There is an increase in the privilege license fee for the privilege of engaging in, operating or carrying on the following businesses, trades, vocations, professions or callings in the city, in the amount of One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($125.00) for residents of the city, and in the amount of One Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($175.00) for non-residents of the city, to be paid each year. Only one license is required per tax ID number operating at the same location. (Ord. No. 2007-1, Secs. 1-2.)

4.24.14 Coin-operated amusement

A. A tax of $5.00 per year for each machine operated within the corporate limits of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, shall be levied on all amusement machines, such as nickelodeons, pin ball machines, and any and all other types of coin operated machines for amusement purposes. A tax of $35.00 per year for each machine rendering a prize or reward. (Ord. No. 2010-2, Sec. 1.)

B. This tax shall be paid annually in advance to the Treasurer of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas.

C. Any person, firm or corporation violating this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined any sum up to $25.00.

D. On each and every separate day that the above named machines are operated with the license or tax having been paid, will constitute a separate offense. (Ord. No. 32, Secs. 1-4.)

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