2.48.01 Personnel Policy Handbook
2.48.02 General employee benefits
2.48.03 Matters affecting the status of employees
2.48.04 Standards of conduct
2.48.05 Miscellaneous information
2.48.01 Personnel Policy Handbook. The following personnel policies shall apply to all employees of the city of Mayflower.
A. Equal Opportunity Employer. The city of Mayflower, Arkansas, is committed to providing equal employment opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, handicap or veteran status as required by all federal and state laws. Furthermore, the city does not discriminate on the basis of disability. The city’s commitment extends to all employment-related decisions, terms and conditions of employment, including job opportunities, promotions, pay and benefits.
B. At-Will Employer. The city of Mayflower, Arkansas, is an at-will employer. This means that the city of Mayflower or any city employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time for any reason with the understanding that neither has an obligation to base that decision on anything but his or her intent not to continue the employment relationship. No policies, comments, or writings made herein or during the employment process shall be construed in any way to waive this provision.
C. Job Posting And Advertising
- Application for employment will be accepted from anyone who wishes to apply for employment upon forms provided by the city. Application forms are available in the office of the city.
- In the event of a job opening, the particular position or positions open will be announced and posted in a newspaper of general circulation at least ten (10) days prior to the deadline for receiving applications. Copies of the job announcement form will be distributed to city departments and as appropriate, to public and private employment agencies, local newspapers and other sources which might recruit applicants. Recruitment resources will be notified at least ten (10) days prior to the predetermined cut-off date for receiving applications.
- Applications for full-time city employment will not be accepted from anyone under eighteen (18) years of age. Except as otherwise provided by Arkansas law, the Mayor shall make the final decision with respect to hiring new employees and promoting existing employees.
D. Post Offer Pre-Employment Physicals.
- Post offer pre-employment physicals will be required for every applicant to be hired for the city in a permanent employment position. Such examinations shall be paid for by the city and shall be used to determine whether the applicant can perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation. The examinations shall be performed by licensed physicians selected by the Mayor. These medical files shall be maintained in the physician’s office with a summary report provided to the Mayor whether the employee can or cannot do the job and what, if any, restrictions are necessary to determine any work restructuring or accommodations. Although the physicians make the medical determinations relative to physical/mental requirements of the job and any direct safety threat determinations, their determinations are only recommendations subject to the decision to make reasonable accommodation or not by the Mayor. Only in cases of emergency may an employee begin work prior to the post-employment job offer medical examination, but employment is subject to passing such examination.
- Reports and records of all physical, psychological and mental exams shall be kept in the offices of the physicians or mental health practitioners with only a summary report provided to the Mayor to be kept in a confidential file apart from the personnel file. Should there be a dispute concerning the exam, or should a supervisor be informed as to the need for reasonable accommodation including job restructuring, the report shall be made available to the necessary legal and supervisory or administrative personnel within the city government.
E. Fitness For Duty Exam. Employees who become incapacitated due to mental or physical disabilities from performing the essential job functions with or without reasonable accommodation or who pose a direct safety threat shall be subject to a fitness for duty examination. Based on the findings of the exam and other job restructuring factors, the Mayor shall take such action as is necessary for the good of the city.
F. Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991. It is the city of Mayflower intent to comply with all regulations and requirements of the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991. City employees required to have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) must comply with all regulations in the 1991 Omnibus Transportation Act. The Act requires alcohol and drug testing for all city employees whose jobs require a CDL. These tests include pre-employment, post-accident, random, reasonable suspicion, and return to duty and follow up testing. The city of Mayflower will not permit an employee who refuses to submit to required testing to perform or continue to perform any activity that requires a CDL. All CDL drivers must obtain from the city of Mayflower the city’s written substance abuse policy. CDL drivers are required to read this material and sign a statement acknowledging that they have received a copy of the city’s Substance Abuse Policy.
G. Other Drug and Alcohol Testing. Employees other than those with a CDL are subject to testing for the use of alcohol and illegal substances as outlined in the city’s policy on this subject. All employees must obtain from the city of Mayflower, the city’s written substance abuse policy. Employees are required to read this material and sign a statement acknowledging that they have received a copy of the city’s substance abuse policy.
2.48.02 General employee benefits.
A. Vacations.
Police Department.
a. The head or Chief of each Police Department shall arrange that each employee shall be granted an annual vacation of not less than fifteen (15) working days with full pay. (A.C.A. 14-52-106)
b. All employees of the Police Department shall accumulate vacation time at the rate of one (1) and one-quarter (1/4) working days for each month of working service.
c. It is the specific duty of the Police Chief to see that employees of the Police Department actively take all of their vacation time before the end of the calendar year.
B. Vacation Accrual Rate.
Vacation time is granted to all employees who have completed six (6) months of service. Employees hired between January 1st and June 30th are eligible for one (1) Week of vacation with pay after completion of six (6) months of service. In the year following the date of hiring, the employee becomes eligible for one (1) additional week of vacation on the employee’s anniversary date. Employees hired after June 30th are not eligible for any vacation in that calendar year, but will be eligible for one (1) week of vacation in the following calendar year after completing six (6) months of service.
- The amount of personnel off at any one time will be governed by the Supervisor based upon departmental workloads.
- Employees should notify their department heads at least one (1) week in advance of being absent for vacation time.
- If a city holiday occurs during the calendar week in which a vacation period is scheduled for an employee, the employee’s vacation should be extended for one (1) additional working day.
- Accrued time will be paid if the employee leaves the employment of the city. Vacations are not cumulative and no more than five (5) days may be carried over six (6) months past the anniversary date without written approval of the Mayor.
- To the extent it differs from the procedure set forth herein, the uniformed employees of the Police and Fire Departments shall accrue vacation days in accordance with the provisions set forth in the relevant Arkansas statutes, if any. It should be understood that policies concerning vacation time for non-uniformed employees are simply a suggested method of computing vacation time. This suggested method in no way alters the city of Mayflower at-will employment policy as described in the Personnel Policy Manual.
C. Holidays and Holiday Pay.
- The appropriation made by the City Council for salaries shall include additional pay for holidays for all agents, servants and employees of the city, including but not limited to uniformed employees, as provided by the laws of the State of Arkansas.
- The appropriation made by the City Council for salaries shall include additional pay for holidays for all agents, servants and employees of the city, including but not limited to uniformed employees, as provided by the laws of the State of Arkansas.
D. Sick Leave.
Police Department
a. Law enforcement officers, regardless of their titles, shall accumulate sick leave at the rate of twenty (20) working days per year beginning one (1) year after the date of employment. If unused, sick leave shall accumulate to a maximum of sixty (60) days. (A.C.A. 14-52-107)
b. Time off may be charged against accumulated sick leave only for such days that an officer is scheduled to work. No such sick leave, as provided in this section, shall be charged against any officer during any period of sickness, illness, or injury for any days which the officer is not scheduled to work.
c. If, at the end of his term of service, upon retirement or death, whichever occurs first, any police officer has any unused accumulated sick leave, he shall be paid for this sick leave at the regular rate of pay in effect at the time of retirement or death. Payment for unused sick leave in the case of a police officer, upon retirement or death, shall not exceed sixty (60) days’ salary. (A.C.A. 14-52-107)
d. The city may pass an ordinance allowing payment for up to ninety (90) days of unused sick leave. [A.C.A. 14-52-107 (c)
Non-uniformed employees.
a. The city of Mayflower recognizes that inability to work because of illness or injury may cause economic hardships. For this reason, the city of Mayflower provides paid sick leave to full-time employees. Eligible employees accrue sick leave at the rate of eight (8) hours per month.
b. Any sick leave days accumulated which are not used in any calendar year may be carried over as accumulated sick leave days for the succeeding calendar year up to a maximum of thirty-six (36) days.
c. An employee may be eligible for sick leave days for the following reasons:
(1) Personal illness or physical incapacity;
(2) Quarantine of an employee by a physician or health officer;
(3) Illness in the immediate family which would require the employee to take care of the family member(s); or
(4) Medical, dental and optical visits.
d. An employee who is unable to report for work due to one of the previously listed sick leave reasons shall report the reason for his absence to the employee’s supervisor or some other person acting for the employee’s supervisor within two (2) hours from the time the employee is expected to report for work. Sick leave with pay may not be allowed unless such report has been made as aforementioned.
e. Employees who are absent more than three (3) consecutive days due to unconfirmed illness may be required by the supervisor or department head to submit a physician’s statement.
f. Absence for part of a day that is chargeable to sick leave in accordance with these provisions shall be deducted from accrued leave in amounts of not less than one-half(½) day increments. An employee who uses all of his or her accrued sick leave days shall thereafter be placed on an inactive, without pay status.
g. An employee may use earned sick leave while receiving workers’ compensation benefits only to the extent that the leave augments the employee’s workers’ compensation benefit to the amount equal to the employee’s regular rate of pay. An employee may use sick leave in this fashion for a maximum of six months.
h. Non-uniformed employees will not be paid for accrued sick days upon termination of employment with the city.
E. Funeral or Bereavement Leave.
- Funeral leave with pay up to a maximum of three (3) calendar days shall be granted to all city employees in cases of death or in the circumstances of death in the immediate family only.
- Immediate Family shall include mother, father, brother, sister son, daughter, grandparents’ son-in-law, daughter-in-law spouse, spouse’s immediate family or those relatives who live in the employee’s household including “step” relatives.
- Travel time may be granted upon prior approval of the Mayor in addition to the three (3) days where travel time of more than eight (8) hours is necessary.
- The Mayor may grant funeral leave of not more than one (1) day for an employee to be a pallbearer or attend a funeral of someone not within the immediate family.
F. Maternity Leave.
Employees affected by pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions shall be treated the same for all employment-related purposes as persons disabled for non-pregnancy-related reasons. Therefore, accrued sick leave and vacation leave, if representative of the employee, will be granted for maternity use after which leave without pay must be used.
G. Uniformed Services
1. Certain rights to re-employment after service in the uniformed services, as well as provisions relating to pension and health benefits are established in the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act of 1994, 38 U.S.C. 4301 et seq., and in A.C.A. 21-4-102. It is the city’s policy to honor and comply with the provisions of those statutes.
2. In addition, employees who are members of a military service organization or National Guard unit shall be entitled to a military leave of fifteen (15) days with pay plus necessary travel time. (A.C.A. 21-4-102)
G. Family Medical Leave
1. The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 requires cities with fifty (50) or more employees to offer up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid, job protected leave to eligible employees for certain family and medical reasons. Eligible city employees may take up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave for the following reasons:
a. The birth and care of the employee’s child;
b. The placement of a child into an employee’s family by adoption or by foster-care arrangement;
c. The care of an immediate family member (spouse, child or parent) who has a serious health condition; and
d. The inability of a city employee to work because of a serious health condition which renders the employee unable to perform the essential functions of his or her job.
2. The Federal Act requires that the city maintain the employee’s health coverage under any group plan during the time the employee is on FMLA leave. To be eligible for the FMLA benefits employees must:
a. Be employed by the city for at least one year;
b. Have worked I 250 hours over the previous twelve (12) months preceding the leave request.
3. City employees must use vacation or accrued leave before FMLA leave will be granted. City employees are required to provide advance leave notice in writing, to the employee’s supervisor (at least 30 days) when leave is foreseeable (such as childbirth, adoption or planned medical treatment, or as early as possible if the leave taken is not foreseeable 30
days in advance). Depending on each individual situation, the city may require a medical certification to support a request for FMLA leave because of a serious health condition and require a fitness for duty report to return to work.
4. The city understands that upon return from FMLA leave, most employees must be restored to their original or equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits and other employment terms. Furthermore, the use of FMLA leave cannot result in the loss of any employment benefit that accrued prior to the start of an employee’s leave.
I. Court Duty Leave.
Employees will be granted leave with pay for witness or jury duty. Employees are also permitted to retain the allowance for services from the court for such service. To qualify for jury or witness duty leave, employees must submit to the Mayor a copy of the summons or other relevant court related paperwork as early as possible upon receipt thereof. In addition, proof of service must be submitted to the employee’s supervisor when the employee’s period of jury or witness duty is completed. Firefighters are no longer exempt from jury duty. The statute providing for exemption 14-53-103 was repealed in 1997.
J. Miscellaneous Leave.
The attendance of employees at seminars and training programs is considered part of their continuing professional development. Attendance at these meetings is to be pre-approved by Mayor. In the event employees are required to attend these meetings at a location requiring an overnight stay or travel time in excess of the employee’s normal work day, overtime will not be paid. However, the city will pay all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses for lodging, travel costs, meals etc. pursuant to its regular expense policy.
K. Employee Health Benefits.
The city of Mayflower provides a group health plan for all its full-time employees. Detailed information on the policy and coverage should be given to the employee when the employee is hired. Additional information may be obtained from the Mayor’s office.
1. Occupational Injuries. All employees of the city are covered under the Arkansas State Workers’ Compensation Law. Any employee incurring an “on-the-job” injury should immediately notify his supervisor, who will arrange for appropriate medical treatment and prepare the necessary reports required in order for the employee to be compensated. Rules and regulations concerning Workers’ Compensation have been posted on the department bulletin boards.
2. Accidental Injury. If any full-time employee is involved in an accident (not job connected) and the injury sustained in such accident necessitates that the employee be absent from work, the employee shall be entitled to receive pay at a regular salary for the number of days accumulated sick leave credited to that employee at the time the accident occurred.
2.48.03 Matters affecting the status of employees.
A. Attendance.
Employees shall be in attendance at their work stations in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Mayor and Council. All departments shall keep daily attendance records of all employees which shall be reported to the Mayor on the form and on the date specified by the Mayor and Council.
B. Work Hours.
1. Except for police officers and firefighters, work hours for all employees shall be forty (40) hours per week which begin each Friday at 00:01 a.m. Work hours for police and fire employees shall be in accordance with state statutes and departmental regulations.
2. The city reserves the right to adjust and change hours of work, days of work and schedules in order to fulfill its responsibility to the citizens of the city of Mayflower. In the event of an emergency, previously scheduled hours of work, days of work and work arrangements may be altered at the discretion of the department head. Changes in work schedules will be announced as far in advance as practicable.
3. Whenever possible, employee work schedules shall provide a rest period (break) during each four-hour work shift. Reasonable time off for a meal will be provided.
C. Overtime Pay.
1. Overtime will be paid for hours worked in excess of forty hours per week. The rate of pay for overtime shall be one and one-half (½) the employee’s normal hourly rate.
2. Upon the direction or approval of the Mayor, compensation for overtime may be made in the form of compensatory leave to the employee. The overtime record of the Mayor shall be final with respect to the number of compensatory leave days earned of an employee. Compensatory leave must be taken within the calendar year earned and should be scheduled in the same manner required for vacation days.
D. Vacancies and Promotions.
1. It is the intent of the city of Mayflower to hire and promote the most qualified applicant for all vacant positions. To give the employees of the city of Mayflower an opportunity to apply for job vacancies, announcements of job openings will be posted on employee bulletin boards.
2. In accordance with E.E.O.C. (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) guidelines and policies, notice of job vacancies will be sent to the appropriate news media and employment agencies throughout the relevant labor market. A job description of each vacant position will be provided upon request.
3. The final decision regarding promotions shall be made by the Mayor upon recommendation of the Supervisor.
E. Training.
The city of Mayflower is committed to continuing and on-going training for all employees. However, in addition to formal training provided by the city for various positions, each employee has the responsibility of ascertaining for himself that he is possessed with sufficient training to enable him to perform his job. In the event that the employee feels that additional training is needed, he should notify his department head. Expenses incurred in on-the-job training should be assumed by the city.
F. Performance Evaluations.
1. To ensure that employees perform their jobs to the best of their ability, it is important that they be recognized for good performance and that they receive appropriate suggestions for improvement when necessary.
2. Consistent with this goal, an employee’s performance will be evaluated by the supervisors on an on-going basis. Final evaluations are normally done annually.
3. All written performance reviews will be based on the employee’s overall performance in relation to the employee’s job responsibilities and will also take into account the employee’s conduct, demeanor and record of attendance along with any tardiness. In addition to regular performance evaluations described above, special written performance evaluations may
be conducted by the employee’s supervisor at any time to advise the employee of his current level of performance and where appropriate, the existence of performance or disciplinary problems and solutions.
4. It should be noted that a performance evaluation does not necessarily mean a salary adjustment.
5. When salary adjustments are appropriate as a result of a performance review, or to facilitate employee retention goals of the city, the pay adjustment should be recommended by an employee’s supervisor or department head as well as the Mayor, and such adjustment(s) shall be considered and approved by resolution of the Mayflower City Council.
Pay adjustments may also be considered by independent resolution presented to City Council absent the Mayor’s recommendation, or as part of the annual budget approval process. (Ordinance 2025-02).
G. Job Safety.
1. Safety is largely the use of good judgment and the practice of good work habits. It requires good judgment to know the safe way and it requires good work habits to continue the safe way. If an employee is not positive of which way is the safest, he should ask his supervisor or department head for the correct method.
2. Unsafe conduct is misconduct. The following safety rules should always be observed:
a. Follow all departmental safety rules;
b. Use all mechanical safeguards on or for employee equipment;
c. Immediately cease using and report any faulty or potentially faulty equipment to the supervisor or department head;
d. Immediately report any unsafe or potentially unsafe working condition or equipment;
e. Immediately report any and every accident to the supervisor or department head.
H. Refusal To Work.
A city employee’s commitment is to public service. Any work stoppage, slowdown, strike or other intentional interruption of the operations of the city shall cause the employee to forfeit his or her employment and result in the termination of the employee from the city of Mayflower.
I. Resignation/Termination.
1. Employees desiring to terminate their employment relationship with the city of Mayflower are urged (but not required) to notify the city at least two (2) weeks in advance of their intended termination. Such notice should preferably be given in writing to the employee’s department head or supervisor. Proper notice generally allows the city sufficient time to calculate all final accrued monies due the employee for his or her final paycheck. Without adequate notice however, the employee may have to wait until after the end of the next normal pay period in order to receive such payments.
2. Employees who plan to retire are urged to provide the city with a minimum of two (2) months notice. This will allow ample time for the processing of appropriate pension forms to ensure that any retirement benefits to which an employee may be entitled to commence in a timely manner.
3. As mentioned elsewhere in this Handbook, all employment relationships with the city of Mayflower are on an at-will basis. Thus, although the city of Mayflower hopes that relationships with employees are long term and mutually rewarding, the city reserves the right to terminate the employment relationship of any employee at any time.
2.48.04 Standards of Conduct.
A. Conduct Towards The Public.
1. Employees of the city of Mayflower shall at all times be civil, orderly and courteous in their conduct and demeanor. In each contact with the public, an employee must be aware that his appearance, actions and statements are in essence those of the city.
2. In dealing with the public, each employee must attempt to make his conduct one which inspires respect for both himself and the city and further, one which generates the cooperation and approval of the public.
3. Not everyone an employee may meet in the course of his or her duties will be courteous. However, an employee should treat the public as he would like to be treated with courtesy, patience, respect and understanding. This attitude or approach to public service cannot be overemphasized.
4. When an employee is uncertain of the correct response to an inquiry from the public, he or she should refer the inquiry to the individual or the department which can provide the most satisfactory response to the inquiry. It is better to admit lack of knowledge than to provide erroneous information.
B. Uniforms and Personal Appearance.
1. Uniforms or uniform allowance will be provided to personnel of certain departments as authorized by the Council. Personnel who are provided uniforms or uniform allowance shall wear uniforms at all times while on duty. Uniforms shall be kept as neat and presentable as working conditions permit.
2. Employees not required to wear uniforms should dress in appropriate professional departmental attire. If an employee is not sure what is appropriate attire, then the employee should check with his supervisor or department head.
C. Unlawful Harassment.
1. The city of Mayflower expressly prohibits its officials or employees from engaging in any form of unlawful employee harassment based on race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability or status as a veteran or special disabled veteran.
2. Harassment is any annoying, persistent act or actions that single out an employee, to that employee’s objection or detriment, because of race, sex, religion, national origin, age (over 40) or disability. Harassment may include any of the following:
a. Verbal abuse or ridicule;
b. Interference with an employee’s work;
c. Displaying or distributing sexually offensive, racist or other derogatory materials;
d. Discriminating against any employee in work assignments or job related training because of one of the above-referenced bases;
e. Intimate physical contact;
f. Making offensive sexual, racial or other derogatory innuendoes;
g. Demanding favors (sexual or otherwise), explicitly or implicitly, as a condition of employment, promotion, transfer or any other term or condition of employment.
3. It is every employee’s responsibility to ensure that his or her conduct does not include or imply harassment in any form. If, however, harassment or suspected harassment has or is taking place:
a. An employee should report harassment or suspected harassment to the department head. If the department head is the alleged harasser, then the complaint should be reported to the supervisor in the chain of command. This complaint should be made in writing.
b. Any time an employee has knowledge of harassment he/she shall inform the department head in writing.
c. Each complaint shall be fully investigated and a determination of the facts and an appropriate response will be made on a case-by-case basis.
4. The city of Mayflower will not tolerate harassment or any form of retaliation against an employee who has either instigated or cooperated in the investigation of alleged harassment. Disciplinary action will be taken against offenders.
D. Guidelines For Appropriate Conduct.
1. An employee of the city of Mayflower is expected to accept certain responsibilities, adhere to acceptable principals in matters of personal conduct and exhibit a high degree of personal integrity at all times. This not only involves a sincere respect for the rights and feelings of others, but also demands that both while at work and in their personal life, an
employee refrain from behavior that might be harmful to the employee, his co-workers, the citizens and/or the city.
2. Whether an employee is on duty or off duty, his or her conduct reflects on the city. An employee is encouraged to observe the highest standards of professionalism at all times.
3. Types of behavior and conduct that the city considers inappropriate include, but are not limited to the following:
a. Falsifying employment or other city records;
b. Violating any city non-discrimination and/or harassment policy;
c. Soliciting or accepting gratuities from citizens;
d. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness;
e. Excessive, unnecessary or unauthorized use of city property;
f. Reporting to work intoxicated or under the influence of nonprescribed drugs and illegal manufacture, possession,
use, sale, distribution or transportation of drugs;
g. Buying or using alcoholic beverages while on city property or using alcoholic beverages while engaged in city business on city premises, except where authorized;
h. Fighting or using obscene, abusive or threatening language or gestures;
i. Theft of property from co-workers, citizens or the city;
j. Unauthorized possession of firearms on city premises or while on city business;
k. Disregarding safety or security regulations;
l. Insubordination;
m. Neglect or carelessness resulting in damage to city property or equipment.
4. Should an employee’s performance, work habits, overall attitude, conduct or demeanor become unsatisfactory and in violation of either of the above referenced items or any other city policies, rules or regulations, an employee will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
E. Absenteeism and Tardiness.
1. The city of Mayflower expects all of its employees to be at work on time and on a regular basis. When employees are unnecessarily absent or late, it is expensive, disruptive and places an unnecessary burden on fellow employees, supervisors, city government as a whole and the taxpayers who receive city services. Should an employee be unable to
report to work on time because of illness or personal emergency, that employee should give “proper notice” to his or her supervisor. Unexcused absences and tardiness could result in disciplinary action.
2. “Proper notice” is defined by the city to be notice in advance of the time an employee should report for work or no later than one (1) hour thereafter if advance notice is impossible.
3. An absence of an employee from duty, including any absence of one (1) day or part thereof, (other than an absence authorized by this personnel handbook or by law) that is not authorized in advance by the Department Head or the employee’s supervisor should be deemed absence without leave. Such absence shall be without pay.
F. Inclement Weather.
In exceptional circumstances beyond the employee’s control, such as weather causing hazardous conditions, the employee is required to contact his or her supervisor for instructions regarding job assignments for that particular work
day. If an employee’s department is open for business, the employee is expected to report for work. However, if, in the employee’s opinion, the conditions are too hazardous for him or her to get to work safely, he or she will have the option of taking the time off as a vacation day. Regardless of the situation, an employee is expected to give his or her supervisor “proper notice” if he or she is unable to report for work.
G. Outside Employment or Moonlighting.
1. If an employee is considering additional employment, he or she should discuss the additional employment with his or her department head or supervisor for approval.
2. If as an employee of the city, an employee participates in additional employment, it must not interfere with the proper and effective performance of his or her job with the city. An employee’s outside employment must not be of a nature that adversely effects the image of the city, resulting in embarrassment, legitimate and reasonable criticism or of a type that may be construed by the public to be an official act of the city or in any way violate these policies. City uniforms shall not be worn during outside employment unless approved in advance by the Mayor.
H. Political Activity.
City employees are encouraged to exercise their legal right to vote and, if necessary, reasonable time will be granted for that purpose.
I. Outside Compensation.
No reward, gift or other form of remuneration in addition to regular compensation shall be received from any source by employees of the city for the performance of their duties as employees of the city. If a reward, gift or other form of remuneration is made available to any employee, it shall be credited to a designated employee fund with approval of the Mayor.
J. Use of Narcotics. Alcohol and Tobacco.
1. Employees of the city of Mayflower shall not use habit-forming drugs, narcotics or controlled substances unless such drugs are properly prescribed by a physician.
2. The consumption of alcohol or other intoxicants is prohibited while an employee is on duty. Employees are not to consume intoxicants while off duty to such a degree that it interferes with or impairs the performance of his or her duties. Employees involved in any unauthorized use, possession, transfer, sale, manufacture, distribution, purchase or presence of drugs, alcohol or drug paraphernalia on city property or being reported to work with detectable levels of illegal drugs or alcohol will be subject to disciplinary action including termination.
3. Each department head or supervisor may establish smoking policies for his or her departmental employees.
K. Drug-Free Workplace.
1. It is the policy of the city of Mayflower to create a drug-free workplace in keeping with the spirit and intent of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and its amendments. The use of controlled substances is inconsistent with the behavior expected of employees, subjects all employees and visitors to city facilities to unacceptable safety risks and undermines the city’s ability to operate effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the unlawful manufacture, distribution,
dispensation, possession, sale or use of a controlled substance in the workplace or while engaged in city business for the city of Mayflower or on the city’s premises is strictly prohibited. Such conduct is also prohibited during non-working hours to the extent that, in the opinion of the city, it impairs an employee’s ability to perform on the job or threatens the reputation or integrity of the city.
2. To educate employees on the danger of drug abuse, the city has established a drug-free awareness program. Periodically, employees will be required to attend training sessions at which the dangers of drug abuse, the city’s policy regarding drugs, the availability of counseling, and the city’s employee assistance program will be discussed. Employees
convicted of controlled substances or related violations in the workplace must inform the city within five (5) days of such conviction or plea. Employees who violate any aspect of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination., At its discretion, the city may require employees who violate this policy to successfully complete a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment.
L. Disciplinary Action.
1. Should an employee’s performance, work habits, overall attitude, conduct or demeanor become unsatisfactory based on violations listed in Guidelines For Appropriate Conduct or any other city policies, rules or regulations, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
2. Disciplinary action may be any of the several forms listed below:
a. Warning or Reprimand. A reprimand is action used to alert the employee that his or her performance is not satisfactory or to call attention to the employee’s violation of employment rules and/or regulations. City employees may be officially reprimanded orally or in writing.
b. Suspension. Suspension involves the removal of an employee from his or her job. An employee may be suspended with or without pay.
c. Demotion. A demotion is an action that places the employee in a position of less responsibility and less pay.
d. Termination. This type of disciplinary action is a removal of an employee from city employment.
3. An employee shall have the right to redress all types of disciplinary action outlined in the Procedure for Review of Disciplinary Decisions, Section 2.48.04 (M). 2.48.05 Miscellaneous information.
A. Policy Statement.
The city of Mayflower possesses the sole right to operate and manage the affairs of the city.
B. Severability.
1. Should any of the provisions of these employee policies and procedures be determined to be contrary to federal, state, or local law, the remaining provisions of these employee policies and procedures shall remain in full force and effect. 2. To the extent that any state law provides additional or different benefits or rights to employees, the provisions of these employee policies and procedures shall be deemed to include those statements of law.
C. Departmental Policies and Procedures.
Each department head is authorized to adopt lawful oral or written policies governing the day-to-day operations of that department. Departmental policies, if in conflict with these employee policies and procedures, shall be governed by these employee policies and procedures.
D. Change of Address.
It is important that if an employee changes his or her home address or telephone number to notify his or her department head of this change so that persoru1el files may be kept up to date. This is important in case the city must mail the employee any info1mation that it feels the employee will need, such as “withholding” statements for the employee’s income taxes. Also, if there is any change in the employee’s marital status, the employee should report it to his or her department head