Mayflower Municipal Codes

Chapter 2.44 – City Court

2.44.01 City Court established
2.44.02 City Judge
2.44.03 Cases
2.44.04 Fees
2.44.05 Convening
2.44.06 Fines
2.44.07 General Funds
2.44.08 Court costs
2.44.09 Money from criminal and traffic cases
2.44.10 Maintenance fund
2.44.11 Acceptance of Acts by reference
2.44.12 Violations
2.44.13 Future amendments
2.44.14 Numerical designation
2.44.15 Time Payment Allocations

2.44.01 City Court established. That because of the necessity of protecting the health and safety of the citizens of Mayflower, and those who use our streets and highways, it has become imperative to establish a City Court within and for the city of Mayflower, Arkansas. (Ord. No. 122, Sec. 1.)

2.44.02 City Judge. That from and after the date and passage of this ordinance there shall be established a City Court in Mayflower, Arkansas, with the Judge to be selected by the Mayor of the city of Mayflower as provided by law. Said Judge is to serve at the will of the Mayor and the City Council of Mayflower, Arkansas, and said Judge’s salary shall be as determined by the City Council of Mayflower, Arkansas. (Ord. No. 122, Sec. 2.)

2.44.03 Cases. That the Judge of the city of Mayflower, shall hear all civil and misdemeanor cases brought to it and that said Court will hear such cases within its jurisdiction as it is determined by the laws of the state of Arkansas. (Ord. No. 122, Sec. 3.)

2.44.04 Fees. That the fees for said City Court shall be as follows:

A. Filing fee in all civil cases $5.00.
B. Court costs in all criminal cases $5.00.
(Ord. No. 122, Sec. 4.)

2.44.05 Convening. That the City Court shall convene at such time and place as shall be determined by the Judge of said court, but not less than once each month. (Ord. No. 122, Sec. 5.)

2.44.06 Fines. That all fines levied by said City Court are to be kept by the City Clerk, and are to be kept in a separate ledger along with a docket for all criminal cases and a docket for all civil cases. (Ord. No. 122, Sec. 6.)

The Mayflower Deputy District Court Clerk is hereby designated as the person primarily responsible for the collection of fines assessed in District Court for the City of Mayflower, Arkansas and that person shall be required to have sufficient bond. (Ord. No. 2015-03, Sec. 1)

2.44.07 General funds. That the costs and fines as set forth above are to be deposited in the general funds of the City Treasure of the city of Mayflower. (Ord. No. 122, Sec. 7.)

2.44.08 Court costs. There is hereby levied an additional twenty dollars ($20.00) fine to be collected from all defendants who plead guilty or nolo contendere to, is found guilty of, or forfeits bond for any misdemeanor or traffic violation in the district court of the city. That all funds generated by the additional fine shall be used exclusively to help defray the cost of incarcerating city prisoners, including payments to other entities for incarcerating city prisoners. (Ord. No. 2020-03, Sec. 1 & 2)

2.44.09 Money from criminal and traffic cases:

A. Ten Dollars ($10.00) of the monies collected from each criminal and traffic case shall be appropriated to a fund which shall be used to replace and maintain the Mayflower Police Department’s vehicles and equipment.

B. Ten Dollars ($10.00) of the monies collected from each criminal and traffic case shall be appropriated to a fund, which shall be used to establish and maintain the Mayflower Police Department’s Arkansas Crime Information Center (ACIC)/National Crime Information Center (NCIC) program. (Ord. No. 2005-1,
Sec. 1.)

C. There shall be a fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each copy of the basic accident and incident report and a fee of One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) per page for each copy of a supplemental report. All fees collected under this ordinance shall be retained by the municipality for the support of the Mayflower Police Department. (Ord. No. 2005-5, Sec. 1-2.)

2.44.10 Maintenance Fund. The following fund is hereby established to handle the monies appropriated in Section 1 herein above: Police Department’s Vehicle and Equipment Replacement and Maintenance Fund. (Ord. No. 92-3, Sec. 2.)

2.44.11 Acceptance of Acts by reference. The City Council of the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, adopts, insofar as the City Court of Mayflower, Arkansas, has jurisdiction over misdemeanor crimes committed within said city, an ordinance adopting:

Arkansas Criminal Code of 1975
Arkansas Controlled Substances Act of 1971
Water and Air Pollution Control Act of 1949
Highway and Transportation Act of 1977
Arkansas Motor Carriers Act of 1955
Arkansas Hazardous Waste Management Act of 1979
Uniform Motor Vehicle Administration, Registration, Certificate of Title and Auto Theft Act of 1949
Act 300 of 1937

and the amendments to said acts which are incorporated herein by reference as if they were set out in this ordinance word for word. (Ord. No. 83-9, Sec. 1.)

2.44.12 Violations. Violation of the foregoing acts within the city of Mayflower, Arkansas, shall hereafter be deemed violations of this ordinance and penalties as provided by said act shall be determined and administered in the same manner and method as the same would be in either the Faulkner County Municipal or Circuit Court for misdemeanor violations. (Ord. No. 83-9, Sec. 2.)

2.44.13 Future amendments. This ordinance shall adopt, by reference, future amendments or acts of the Arkansas State Legislature, providing for misdemeanor criminal penalties and the same shall be incorporated into this ordinance, upon passage and enactment, as if set out herein word for word. (Ord. No. 83-9, Sec. 3.)

2.44.14 Numerical designation. In order to provide for accurate reference, each provision of the presently existing acts and their amendments codified in the Arkansas Statutes shall bear the same numerical designation as they are presently codified, and all future acts and amendments shall be referred to either by the act identification number or by the codification applied to it by the compilers of the Arkansas Statutes. (Ord. No. 83-9, Sec. 4.)

2.44.15 Time Payment Allocations. There is hereby authorized an alternative method of time payment allocation of fines and court costs by the Mayflower District Court whereby all time payments shall be allocated fifty percent (50%) to court costs and fifty percent (50%) to fines. Whenever either court costs or fines are fully paid, all remaining time payments shall be allocated to remaining amounts due. (Ord. No. 2016-04, Sec. 1)

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