Mayflower Municipal Codes

Chapter 2.36 – City Attorney

2.36.01 Duties
2.36.02 Position

2.36.01 Duties. It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to prosecute all cases in the Municipal Court for violation of the city’s ordinances, and to prosecute and defend, as the case may require, for the city, all cases in which the city may be interested, whether civil or criminal, in all the courts state and federal· attend City Council, Board and Commission meetings as necessary or required; provide legal advice and council to the Mayor and City Council; draft and/or review all legislation; prepare and provide legal opinions as necessary; and perform other such related legal services as directed by the Mayor and/or City Council.

2.36.02 Position. The position of City Attorney for the City of Mayflower Arkansas shall be appointed by the acting Mayor of the City of Mayflower. (Ord. No. 2019-07, Sec. 1)

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