Mayflower Municipal Codes

Chapter 2.16 – Unclaimed Property

2.16.01 Disposal
2.16.02 Sale
2.16.03 Proceeds of sale to owner
2.16.04 Proceeds remaining after six months

2.16.01 Disposal. The Mayor, under the direction hereinafter set out, is hereby authorized and directed to dispose of at public auction all unclaimed personal property rightfully coming into the hands of his office and to dispose of other confiscated property confiscated under the orders of the City Court with the exception of confiscated liquor.

STATE LAW REFERENCE – For procedure relating to liquor, See A.C.A. 3-3-312

2.16.02 Sale. All unclaimed personal property coming into the hands of the Mayor will be held by him for a period of six (6) weeks or longer. If property remains unclaimed he shall periodically advertise such property in some newspaper of general circulation in the City of Mayflower once each week for three (3) consecutive weeks setting forth in the notice the time for the sale which shall not be earlier than five (5) days after the last publishing of the notice and no later than ten (10) days thereafter, designating an easily accessible place for the sale thereof, and giving a complete list and description of unclaimed articles to be sold. The Mayor shall have the right to refuse any and all bids not satisfactory and will then proceed to advertise these items for sale at a later date. Terms of such sale shall be for cash only. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit any person who properly identifies any of the property as being their own before the sale from claiming and having property restored to them.

2.16.03 Proceeds of sale to owner. The Mayor shall deposit the receipt from the aforesaid sale of unclaimed property in the treasury and the Bookkeeper/Treasurer is to keep these funds in a special account for a period of six (6) months and any person identifying as his own any of such property within the six (6) month period shall upon the presentation of satisfactory proof be paid by the city out of the special account the amount for which the property was sold. The Recorder/Treasurer or some person designated by him shall keep in a well bound book an accurate record and description of each piece of unclaimed property passing through his office and the price for which it was sold and the date, the name and address of those who purchased same, as well as a complete record of those who identified and claimed any of the property before it was sold.

2.16.04 Proceeds remaining after six, months. All proceeds from the sale remaining in the special fund for a period of six (6) months shall by the Treasurer be transferred to the city’s general fund and no further payment shall be made therefrom to anyone who thereafter claims ownership.

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