2.08.01 Division of Wards
2.08.02 Aldermen
2.08.03 Assigning of ward and representation
2.08.01 Division of Wards
On the effective date of this ordinance the City of Mayflower shall be divided into three (3) wards as indicated below and graphically portrayed on the attached diagram:
Ward 1 – Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) and the intersection with centerline of an unnamed creek in the northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 4 North, Range 13 West, thence south along the centerline of UPRR to the intersection with the centerline of State Highway 89, thence west along the centerline of State Highway 89 to the intersection with the centerline of Snuggs Circle, thence north along the centerline of Snuggs Circle to the intersection with the city limits of Mayflower as of June 10, 2015, thence beginning in a westerly direction and then following along the city limit line to its intersection with the west Right of Way of lnterstate 40 in the southeast quarter of Section 30, Township 4 North, Range 13 West, thence north along the west Right of Way of lnterstate 40 to the intersection with the centerline of the unnamed creek in the southwest quarter of Section 20, Township 4 North, Range 13 West, thence in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of the unnamed creek to the point of beginning.
Ward 2 – Beginning at the intersection of the city limits of Mayflower as of June 10, 2015, and the west Right of Way of Interstate 40 on the east line of Section 30, Township 4 North, Range 13 West, thence north along the west Right of Way of Interstate 40 to the intersection with the centerline of the unnamed creek in the southwest quarter of Section 20, Township 4 North, Range 13 West, thence in a southwesterly direction along the centerline of the unnamed creek to its Intersection with the centerline of the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) in the northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 4 North, Range 13 West, thence south along the centerline of UPRR to the intersection with the centerline of State Highway 89, thence west along the centerline of State Highway 89 to the intersection with the centerline of Snuggs Circle, thence north along centerline of Snuggs Circle to the intersection with the city limits of Mayflower as of June 10, 2015, thence north along the said city limits to the intersection with the west Right of Way of Interstate 40 on the south line of Section 8, Township 4 North Range 13 West, thence south along the west Right of Way of Interstate 40 to the intersection with the centerline of State Highway 89, thence east along the centerline of State Highway 89 to the intersection with the city limits of Mayflower as of June 10, 2015, in the northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 4 North, Range 13 West, thence in a southerly direction and then along the said city limits to the point of beginning.
Ward 3 – Beginning at the intersection of the city limits of Mayflower as of June 10, 2015, and the west Right of Way of lnterstate 40 in the southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 4 North, Range 13 West, thence south along the Right of Way of Interstate 40 to the intersection with the centerline of State Highway 89, thence east along the centerline of State Highway 89 to the intersection with the city limits of Mayflower as of June 10, 2015, in the northwest quarter of Section 21, Township 4 North, Range 13 West, thence in a northerly direction and then along the said city limits to the point of beginning.
(Ord. No. 2015-02, Sec. 1)
2.08.02 Aldermen. Each ward will be represented by two (2) aldermen who must live in their respective ward and will be elected by a citywide vote, in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas. The Aldermen will serve for a two (2) year term and will represent their respective ward. Aldermen will be elected during the general election and will take office the following January !81. (Ord. No. 2015-02, Sec. 2)
2.08.03 Assigning of ward and representation
A. The individuals living in the area annexed into the city as identified above and reflected on the attached map, and on the effective date of this ordinance shall be assigned to Wards 2, which currently consist of all that area of the city of Mayflower lying east of State Highway 365 and north of the Paradise Road overpass, all the area east of East Ridge Road, and extending as far north as the current city limits. (Land contained in the west half Section 29, Township 4 North, and Range 13 West; Land contained in the west half Section 29, Township 4 North, and Range 13 West)
B. The area identified above and reflected on the attached vicinity map will be incorporated into Ward 2 and shall remain in Ward 2 until the next ward realignment.
C. The newly annexed individuals will be represented by two (2) Aldermen who must live in their respective ward and will be elected by a citywide vote, in accordance with the laws of the state of Arkansas. The Aldermen will serve for a two (2) year term and will represent their respective ward. Aldermen will be elected during the general election and will take office the following January 1st. (Ord. No. 2002-11, Secs. 1-2.)