The following are external links to local, state, and Federal social service and financial assistance programs that offer services in our area. Please use the links to provided to reach out to the agency for questions or to apply. The City of Mayflower does not administer any of these programs and cannot offer guidance.
Community Action Program for Central Arkansas / Faulkner County.
CareLink / Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels in Arkansas served 3,395,846 meals to seniors in need last year alone. This crisis spans all demographics and means that many elderly people in your neighborhood have no idea where their next meal is coming from.
The factors that impact food insecurity in Arkansas include financial resources, mobility issues, and access or proximity to grocery stores and healthy food. There are often misconceptions that only financially disadvantaged seniors have to worry about food insecurity, but there are many seniors who have the financial resources to buy food, but they are unable to navigate the kitchen or prepare their meals due to physical or mental disadvantages. If they do not have family members or friends to care for them, they may not get the food they need–or even realize how long it has been since they ate a proper meal.
Help paying for telephone, broadband and internet service
The Arkansas Department of Commerce has a program that helps Arkansans pay for internet and broadband services for their homes. You can learn more about the program, the eligibility requirements, and how to apply at Commerce’s website.
Energy Bill Assistance – Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program “LIHEAP” is a federal program where money is available for qualified households facing financial difficulty with their utility bills. Sign up now and get the help you need.
Supplemental Nutrtion Assistance Program (SNAP)
Helps qualified individuals and families buy the food they need for good health. SNAP benefits are put on a Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card and can be used like a credit or debit card at any store that accepts SNAP.
Arkansas Workforce Connections
Arkansas Workforce Connections is a division of the Arkansas Department of Commerce and sits at the center of the state’s workforce development efforts. We provide support and guidance to help individuals succeed in their careers while offering companies incentives to maintain a skilled and technically trained workforce, meeting industry demands now and in the future.
Public Health Insurance (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.)
Health care coverage is offered through the Medicaid program to children, adults, aging Arkansans, and people with disabilities who meet the eligibility requirements. Medicaid programs can help cover doctor visits, medical bills, prescription medicines, services at home and in facilities, and more. It also can help pay Medicare premiums for those who are eligible.
Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Medicaid Assistance
A growing number of home and community-based programs are available as alternatives to nursing facilities. While a nursing facility is the right option for some people, others may find help is available to keep them at home. If you would like to talk to a counselor about your options, call toll free 1-866-801-3435 or email [email protected].
Home Care Services
DHS has several programs that are designed to help adults with physical disabilities and seniors stay in their homes and communities rather than go to a skilled nursing facility. To apply for the programs below, please reach out to your local county office. If you would like to talk to a counselor about your options, call the Choices in Living Resource Center at 1-866-801-3435 or email [email protected].
- ARChoices in Home Care provides attendant care, home-delivered meals, personal emergency response systems, adult day services, and respite care. Independent Choices is like ARChoices in Home Care, but the client is responsible for hiring, training, and supervising his or her in-home workers from Medicaid funds the client or his/her representative control.
- Living Choices Assisted Living is a Medicaid program that pays for apartment-style housing for people who need extra care and supervision. It’s for people who are at risk of being placed in a nursing home or who are in a nursing home and want more independence.
- Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) is for people age 55 and older who have been determined by the state, based on specific criteria, to need nursing home care. PACE allows them to live as independently as they can.
Domestic Violence and Emergency Intervention
Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV) works with shelters, law enforcement officials, educators, and other domestic violence service providers to empower survivors and the programs that serve them. Our strength is in numbers — together we can end domestic violence.
Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective services housed in the Division of Aging, Adult, and Behavioral Health Services within the Department of Human Services, is mandated by state law to investigate maltreatment, abuse, neglect, and exploitation of people age 18 and older, who are impaired by mental or physical disease or endangered, which means, found in a situation or condition that poses a danger to themselves and does not understand the consequences of staying in that situation or condition.
Child Support Enforcement (OCSE)
The Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) is a division within the Department of Finance and Administration. OCSE works in partnership with the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement and other State agencies to establish and enforce court-ordered financial and medical support. This website is designed to answer general questions about the services available through OCSE, and the information provided may apply only to customers receiving child support enforcement services.
Arkansas Women, Infants & Children (WIC)
WIC provides supplemental foods high in nutrients needed for growth and development, nutrition education to improve diet and health habits, information, support, encouragement for breastfeeding and referrals for other health services.
Services for Someone with Developmental Disabilities or Delays
DHS provides lots of different services and supports for clients with developmental disabilities or delays and their families. It may be a bit overwhelming for families who have never had to access these services so we are here to help.
DHS has an intake and referral unit within our Division of Developmental Disabilities that can help you walk through the process for applying for services. The best way to start is to call DDS intake and referral unit at 501-683-5687. Staff there can help you navigate the different programs, eligibility requirements, and application process for:
School Readiness Assistance
The Office of Early Childhood (formerly known as Division of Child Care & Early Childhood Education) knows that the earliest years are critical for brain development and learning so they work to ensure children and families have access to a safe, high-quality, and nurturing care. The office ensures that Arkansas children and families have access to a safe, high-quality, developmentally appropriate early-learning environment. The office accomplishes this by educating and assisting parents; licensing, regulating, and supporting child care providers, and working with communities to prepare children for future success. It also works closely with the Early Childhood Commission.