The Unified Development Ordinance is a model land use and development regulation for governments in Central Arkansas. It is a comprehensive planning book for the details of zoning, subdivision, and urban design. The UDO incorporates best planning and urban design practices and can be used to refresh or replace cities’ existing zoning and subdivision codes.
Approved as a model document by the Metroplan Board on August 31, 2022, the UDO provides the latest in planning knowledge and has been vetted through legal review. Metroplan offers the UDO for its member communities and follows up with technical support as they adopt and use the ordinance. The UDO is designed as a workable system for all planning needs. The document provides flexibility,
with a variety of possible land use categories which can be custom fitted to each city’s needs and aspirations. Cities can adopt the UDO in whole or in part and make modifications at their discretion.
The full UDO / model code document is available here:
Unified Development Ordinance (DRAFT) 12.98 MB 7 downloads
Proposed model code being evaluated by the Planning Commission to replace our current...
Contents include:

- Zone names that are descriptive of their purpose and nature, such as R-NH: Neighborhood Residential, IND: Industrial, and CC: Commercial Corridor.
- A Use Table as a quick-reference guide to the land uses permitted in each zone, including partial exceptions like “permitted with conditions” and conditional uses.
- Development Standards Tables for each zone that allow users to quickly identify requirements like lot size, setbacks, and allowable building heights. A summary table lists all the zones’ development standards for easy reference and comparison.
- Subdivision Standards for block length and design, utility easements and drainage, and transportation facilities to ensure community quality and connectivity.
- Detailed illustrations and definitions to clarify important details throughout the document.
- An appendix outlining step-by-step review procedures, forms, and checklists to streamline the development process.
The City of Mayflower Planning Commission will be hosting regular, informal, workshops at the Mayflower City Center to discuss the ordinance. Through discussion we will identify areas to incorporate, modify, adjust, or delete with the end goal of overhauling our patchwork of existing zones and overlay distrticts into one easy to understand ordinance.
These workshops are open to the public and all are invited to attend. Workshop dates will be posted on our calendar and city digital signage.