Industrial Zoning Rules

Industrial Zoning Rules & Regulations
The following is a list of zoning and land use regulations by district through the City of Mayflower.
Heart of Mayflower Overlay Districts
The City of Mayflower has (4) overlay districts on top of current zoning provided for in Municipal Codes. These overlay districts provide additional development criteria within the zone. Please refer to the Heart of Mayflower planning document and zoning map to see if you are impacted by these additional rules.
The standards, guidelines and other regulations of the Heart of Mayflower Zoning District (the District) applies to the parcels/lots within the District as delineated on the Heart of Mayflower Regulating Plan (Regulating Plan), attached as Exhibit A to the Ordinance adopting the District, which is hereby established and incorporated herein by reference.
The Regulating Plan establishes the character zones, build-to lines, build-to zones, parking setbacks, height maximums, and upper floor recess requirements for the District. The Regulating Plan also establishes lot and block standards for subdivision within the District. Accordingly, to the extent standards established herein are in conflict with provisions of Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances, as amended, the standards herein shall control.
I-1 Industrial District
The I-1 Industrial Park District is designed to provide a parklike development for industry with controls based upon industry performance as well as type. The provisions of this zoning regulation will provide an efficient operating environment for industries and protect them from the encroachment of commercial and residential uses adverse to their operation and expansion.
Development Criteria
A. Hazard Restrictions and Performance Standards
It is the intent of this regulation to prevent land or buildings from being used or occupied in any manner to create any dangerous, injurious, noxious or otherwise objectionable condition related to fire, explosion, radioactivity, noise or vibration; smoke, dust, odor or other forms of air pollution; electrical or other disturbance; glare or heat, liquid or solid hazardous wastes or any dangerous or objectionable elements in a manner or amount to adversely affect the surrounding area.
B. Visual Restrictions
All permitted uses and accessory activities shall be confined within completely enclosed buildings with the exception of off-street parking spaces, off-street loading births, accessory fuel storage and employee recreational facilities. In addition, no goods, equipment, supplies or other materials shall be stored in the open, except on the rear two-thirds (2/3) of any lot, and then only when such open storage is no higher than six (6) feet and is fenced with a screening fence of at least six (6) feet in height.
C. Application
All proposals for development and uses of land and buildings are subject to site plan review submitted to and approved by the Planning Commission. In addition, the applicant shall submit a description of the proposed operation including, machinery, processes and products. The applicant will include specifications for the mechanisms, techniques and operations in sufficient detail so that the Planning Commission can determine or have determined whether the industrial pursuit meets the criteria of the foregoing paragraphs A and B.
Use Regulations
Permitted Uses
- Dwellings, only as living quarters for caretakers, and/or watchmen and their families
- Helistop
- Office buildings
- Accessory off-street parking of motor vehicles
- Research, experimental and testing laboratories
- Underground pipe lines, underground electric power and energy transmission and distribution lines, underground or overhead telephone or telegraph lines, overhead electric power and energy transmission and distribution lines
- Secondary schools, vocational technical schools and colleges
- Warehouses and storage buildings
- Accessory buildings and uses: swimming pools, recreational facilities and Ready-mix plant for concrete
- Public utility buildings and utility structures not otherwise permitted in other districts, including overhead electric power and energy transmission and distribution lines suspended from multi-legged structures, aboveground pipelines, radio and television broadcasting stations and towers and accessory structures
- Retail Sales and Consumer Service Establishments (not including warehouse sales), accessory to any permitted use, and dealing primarily with employees of establishments permitted as principal uses, provided that such commercial uses shall not occupy more than 5 per cent of the total floor area of all buildings on any lot or group of contiguous lots in common ownership or control
- Industrial and manufacturing uses which operate in conformance with the performance standards espoused by this regulation
Accessory Uses
Accessory Uses
Day Care Center in connection with existing industrial facility.
Prohibited Uses
The following uses are expressly prohibited:
- Abattoir (slaughterhouse)
- Arsenal or explosives manufacture
- Blast furnace
- Boiler works
- Distillation of bones
- Dump
- Incinerator, or reduction of dead animals, garbage or offal, except when operated or licensed by a duly authorized public agency Fat rendering, grease, lard or tallow manufacturing or processing
- Forge plant
- Central mixing plant for asphalt, concrete, or other paving materials
- Distillation of coal, tar or wood
- Dye works
- Fertilizer mixing plant
- Foundry
- Junk yard
- Grist Mill
- Saw Mill
- Stockyard
- Manufacture of: Acetylene,
- Manufacture of: Brick, clay, terra-cotta, and tile products,
- Manufacture of: Chemicals, including sulfuric, nitric or hydrochloric or other corrosive or offensive acids
- Manufacture of: Cinder block, Printing ink, Rayon or similar products, Starch, glucose, or dextrin, Stove polish
- Railroad yard or roundhouse
- Rock crusher, washing and screening plants
- Sand, gravel, or clay pit; rock or stone quarry
- Steam power plant
- Sugar refining
- Ammonia, bleaching powder, chlorine, asphalt
- Celluloid or pyroxylin (or treatment thereof)
- Disinfectants
- Emery cloth and/or sandpaper
- Explosives, fireworks, or gunpowder, or storage of same
- Fertilizers
- Gas for illumination or heating
- Glue, size or gelatin
- Insecticides
- Lampblack
- Leather goods
- Linoleum
- Matches
- Mortar, lime, plaster, cement, gypsum
- Oil cloth and/or oiled products
- Paint, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish employing a boiling or rendering process
- Paper manufacturing
- Potash
- Rolling mill
- Soap
- Soda or soda compound
- Shoe blacking or polish
- Rubber or products made therefrom
- Sulfuric, nitric, hydrochloric or other corrosive acids
- Tallow, grease or lard
- Tar or tar roofing or water-proofing or other tar products, or distillation thereof
- Yeast
- Ore reduction
- Packing house, including meat canning or curing
- Petroleum refining, or storage in more than tank lots
- Smelting
- Tanning, curing or storage of leather, rawhides or skins
- Wool pulling or scouring
Any other use which is found by the Mayflower Planning Commission to be a public nuisance by reason of the emission of dust, fumes, gas, smoke, odor, noise, vibration or other disturbance is and shall be expressly prohibited.
Setback & Yard Area Regulations
Bulk and Area Regulations
A. Required Yards and Landscaped Areas
No principal or accessory building, parking area, loading or maneuvering area shall be located:
- Less than 15 feet from any lot line.
- Less than 50 feet from the boundary of any residence lot or from the boundary of any lot used for an educational institution.
- Less than the following minimum distances from the street right of-way line or proposed street right-of-way of the following types of streets or highways as designated on the Master Street Plan:
- Class II – 75 feet
- Class III and IV – 75 feet
- Class V and VI or a private way within the Industrial Park – 50 feet
B. The required yards set forth above shall be landscaped in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Commission. Landscaping shall mean the planting of grass, shrubs, trees and other comparable ground cover. To the maximum extent possible, driveways within such landscaped areas shall cross said areas by the most direct line, and all planting screens or walls required shall be located adjacent to parking areas rather than on the periphery of the lot. Such landscaped areas shall be maintained at all times.
C. Street Access and Frontage
- Each lot shall have a minimum frontage of 100 feet on a public street provided, however, that the Planning Commission may approve a lesser frontage to a minimum of 60 feet for lots located on cul-de-sacs or on street curves or having other extraordinary characteristics. Vehicular access shall be permitted only to one of the following types of streets:
a. Class II
b. Class III or IV
c. A Class V or VI or private way connecting only with any of the above class of streets.
(See Mayflower Master Street Plan for classification of streets in the city.) - The designation of any street or highway as to type shall be in conformance with that shown on the Master Street Plan.
D. Building Height Limit
No building or other free standing structure shall exceed a height of fifty (50) feet at the building line. Building heights greater than fifty (50) feet must be set back from the building line at a rate of three (3) feet for each additional one (1) foot of building height. EXAMPLE: At building line has a maximum allowable building of fifty (50) feet. If a building height of fifty-five (55) feet is required then the new building line would be an additional fifteen (15) feet.
E. Lot Coverage
Not more than 50 per cent of the area of the lot may be covered by buildings, including accessory buildings.
F. Spacing Between Buildings
No buildings other than an accessory building shall be located closer to any other building than a distance equal to the height of the higher building, and in no event less than 30 feet therefrom.
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 14.04.11, except that for an industrial or manufacturing establishment or warehouse or similar use, the minimum requirement shall be one parking space for each employee, or one for each two employees on combined major and second shifts, and in addition one visitor parking space for every 10 employees, except that the Planning Commission may authorize fewer visitor parking spaces if found that a fewer number will be sufficient for the operation anticipated. In addition to the foregoing, one parking space shall be provided for each company-owned or leased truck, passenger car or other vehicle located or principally based on the premises.
No parking spaces may be located within required front yards, except that an area equivalent to not more than 30 per cent of the total area of all required parking spaces may be located within a required yard for use as parking space for visitors, selected personnel and minor deliveries. Off-street parking spaces may be grouped in facilities serving more than one lot or establishment.
When the lot on which parking spaces are located abuts the rear or side lot line of, or is across the street from, any residential land, a wall, fence or evergreen planting shall be maintained so as to screen substantially the parking lot from view from the nearest residential property. The screening shall be maintained in good condition at all times.
In parking lots of one acre or more, at least 5 per cent of the area of the parking lot shall be devoted to landscaping within the interior of the parking area.
Accessory Buildings
An accessory building may be erected detached from the principal building or may be erected as an integral part of the principal building. For purposes of this Zoning Regulation satellite receiving stations are construed to be accessory buildings and shall be screened by appropriate fencing or landscaping means. No accessory building shall be greater than 25 per cent of the principal building in square footage of floor area.
An accessory building attached to the principal building shall be made structurally a part of, and have a common wall with the principal building and shall comply in all respects with the requirements of these regulations applicable to the principal building. Unless so attached, the accessory building shall be located on the rear one-half of the lot.
The set-back requirements for accessory buildings in the various zoning districts are as follows:
I-1 Industrial District
1. side yard, twenty-five (25) feet
2. rear yard, twenty-five (25) feet
Mayflower City Center
City Phone Directory: (501) 470-1337
Monday – Thursday, 7:00 am – 5:30 pm. Closed on Friday.