City of Mayflower Appeal of Zoning Decision Application
The Board of Zoning Adjustment shall hear appeals from the decisions of the Mayor (or his Code Enforcement Officer) in respect to the enforcement and application of the zoning regulation; and may affirm or reverse, in whole or in part.
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Board of Zoning Adjustment

2 Ashmore Drive
P.O. Box 69
Mayflower, AR 72106
[email protected]

Application for:


City of Mayflower Board of Zoning

Rules and Procedures for Requests and Appeals

To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any decision made by the administrative official in the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance.


  1. File appeal in writing with the Mayflower City Clerk, who will forward a copy to the Secretary of the Board of Zoning Adjustment.
    (Title 14 Zoning Section 14.04.11 Page 215)
  2. Pay $100.00 nonrefundable filing fee.
    (Title 11 Bldg. & Const. Sect. 11.04.17 Page 132)

Title 14 Zoning Section 14.04.11 (Pages 216, 217, & 218)

  1. Board of Zoning Adjustment will set date for a public hearing on the appeal.
  2. Notice published, at applicant's expense, in a newspaper of general circulation in Mayflower giving the time, not less than seven (7) days preceding the date of hearing. Public notice will give location of the property and statement of reason for appeal.
  3. Applicant to procure signs announcing the variance or appeal from city offices and display signs in manner prescribed.
    • Signs posted on property proposed for variance not less than seven (7) days prior to date of public hearing.
    • Signs displayed in prominent and full view of the passing motorist and pedestrian.
    • Signs posted along the frontage abutting any street at an interval of one hundred (100) feet.
    • Properties with less than two hundred (200) feet street frontage shall be posted with at least one sign along the frontage abutting each street.
    • Signs posted shall be maintained by the applicant to remain visible and readable until conclusion of the of public hearing, or until resolution of request.
    • Signs to be removed, by the applicant, within five (5) days of the concluding action.
    • Failure to post the required signs or to maintain the signs resulting in the property not being properly posted for three (3) days out of the required time may result in a postponement of the public hearing or withdrawal of the agenda item until full compliance with posting procedure is achieved.
  2. Amendment will be voted on by the Planning Commission.
  3. Planning Commission will certify its recommendations to the Mayflower City Council at the next scheduled council meeting.
  4. Mayflower City Council may return amendment to Planning Commission for further study or by majority vote adopt by ordinance.
  5. If Planning Commission disapproves the proposed amendment, an appeal may be made to the Mayflower City Council via the City Clerk. City Clerk shall transmit one (1) copy of appeal to the Planning Commission. Planning Commission will transmit a report to applicant stating why the proposed amendment was disapproved. Mayflower City Council may approve the proposed amendment only by not less than three-fourths (3/4) vote of all the members.
  6. If approved and adopted by Mayflower City Council, the amendment ordinance will be filed with the City Clerk and a copy sent to the Chairman of the Planning Commission.
  7. No resubmission of a zoning amendment will be allowed within twelve (12) months after date of action unless limitation is waived for good cause.

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