Common Questions

Where is City Hall?

The Mayflower Center Center is at 5 Ashmore Drive and houses the District Court, Police Department, and Mayor’s Office. At this time there is no staffed “City Hall” window or counter that citizens can visit to speak with a person to obtain information, permits, or ask questions.  City offices are departments are spread across multiple buildings.

Permits, planning & zoning, code enforcement, and general inquiries can be addressed at the front desk at the Mayflower Water Works building.  From there, you will be guided to the appropriate resource of office.

All other inquiries can be made by calling the main switchboard at 501-470-1337 and following the prompts to the Office you need to speak with.

At this time there are no childcare facilities within the Mayflower city limits.

Some common things permits from the City of Mayflower are required for: 

  • Accessory storage buildings
  • Carports
  • New additions to your home
  • Fences (Front Yards)
  • New Construction

Yes, but only in areas zoned more mobile homes.  Permits and inspections are required as well as adherence to zoning and setback requirements.

Yes, it is permissible to burn natural vegetation such as leaves, brush, grass clippings, etc. in the city limits so long as there in burn ban and you are following setbacks as prescribed in city ordinances.

No, it is against state law to burn anything man-made.

Please contact Mayflower Water Works for a direct answer to your situation.

However, as a general rule septic tanks are no longer allowed and all residents are required to accept city sewer services with some exceptions.  

Yes, it is possible.  The first step is to present your petition for rezoning to the Mayflower Planning Commission. Please visit their page to find out more information on this process.

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