Construction Plan Reviews
Fire Code Plan Reviews
The Mayflower Fire Marshal’s office is tasked with conducting commercial construction plans review for adherence to the Arkansas Fire Prevention Code (Vol. 1). Any new commercial construction within the Mayflower Fire District (city or county) must submit site and construction plans to the Fire Marshal’s Office for review prior to beginning work. Please review our District map to see if your project is under our jurisdiction.
Construction plans must adhere to the Arkansas Fire Prevention Codes (Volumes I and II) regardless of whether or not your project is in the city limits or unincorporated Faulkner County. The Fire Code preempts all local units of government and is State law.
Common issues not routinely addressed include not ensuring a hydrant is within 400′ of the front of the building, ensuring proper fire apparatus access to the property, ensuring proper turning radius from driveways, emergency lighting plans, etc.
Plans may be e-mailed or dropped off at our Office during normal business hours. Please allow up to two weeks for reviews and a formal written response back.
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Matthews ChrisChris Matthews Fire Marshal Send message » Phone501-470-1337 EXT 32 Ashmore DrMayflower, AR 72106Unit #202Additional information
Fire Marshal, Code Enforcement, Planning Administrator, Website Designer
7:30AM – 5:30PM, Mon.-Thurs.
Closed Friday
2 Ashmore Dr., Mayflower AR
(Located inside Mayflower
Water Works Office)
Mayflower City Center
City Phone Directory: (501) 470-1337
Monday – Thursday, 7:00 am – 5:30 pm. Closed on Friday.