District Court
August 7 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
The Mayflower District Court will be strictly enforcing a dress code for any court appearances. Courtroom participants are expected to dress neatly and to exercise common sense in selecting clothing and footwear that are appropriate for court. DO NOT wear shorts, tank tops, hats, or T-shirts with offensive words or images on them. Compliance with the participant rules above is mandatory. Appropriate T-shirts, slacks, nice jeans (no holes or fraying in fabric), and other business casual attire is generally acceptable. The court reserves the right to exercise its judgment on the propriety of attire on a case-by-case basis and to make orders accordingly. All courtroom visitors are expected to dress properly.
In other words: “Dress appropriately or the judge will ask you to leave and reschedule your court appearance.”
- No weapons.
- Cell phones MUST be silenced.
- No hats, no shorts, no T-Shirts with offensive words or images, or tank tops.
REMINDER: DO NOT leave without turning in your Time Pay Agreement sheet or there will be a Failure To Appear warrant issued for you!! As a reminder, the court DOES NOT take credit or debit cards at the court window. You can bring cash, check or money order for payments.