Mayflower, AR
2 Ashmore Drive P.O. Box 69 Mayflower, AR 72106 501-470-1337 [email protected]
Upon approval of this permit the City of Mayflower gives permission for this project in accordance with local ordinances. However, there may be subdivision covenants and restrictions that apply, and this permit does not void or override those covenants and restrictions.
14.04.04 Residential zoning districts Garage, carport, or yard sales, not to exceed four within a calendar year and three days for each event, may be permitted on any platted lot which supports single-family dwelling as the principal use. A permit obtained from the Office of the Mayor shall be required for each event.
The yard sale permit fee shall be $5.00 per household. The permit shall be issued for a three (3) day period. The time between permits is four (4) days. Only four (4) permits per household address per year are allowed. Any person acquiring more than four (4) permits will be considered a business.
Every person, group of persons, or organization desiring to exhibit for sale purposes identifiable or tangible personal property at a yard sale shall first obtain a yard sale permit. The year sale permit must be available upon request at the yard sale location.
If a group has a yard sale collectively, then each household participating shall be required to get a permit.
Estate sales given by an authorized estate sale professional may use their professional signs. Estate sale professionals may purchase more than one permit at a time with a limit of four (4) for one address. Other estate sales will be considered yard sales.
Yard sale signs shall be no larger than 24 inches by 18 inches and shall be on stakes or sire sign holders. No signing is allowed on public property or right-of-way unless by the City Council.
All merchandise offered for sale shall be arranged so that fire, police, health, and other officials may have access for inspection at all times during the time of operation of the sale. Enforcement of the provisions of this section shall be by the City Police Department and Code Enforcement Officers.
The back of the yard sale sign must contain:
Yard sale signs shall be removed by the permit holder or person or persons designated by the holder by 7:00 p.m. the last day of the permitted sale. Yard sale signs advertising a yard sale outside the Mayflower city limits are not permitted to be placed in the city limits of Mayflower.
Penalty Any violation of the provisions of is declared to be a misdemeanor and a fine of not less than Twenty-Five Dollars ($25.00) and no more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) is affixed for failure to comply with any of these requirements. (Ord. No. 2007-9, Sec. 1.)
U.S. Mail:
City of Mayflower Permits & Licensing PO Box 69 Mayflower, AR 72106
or in person at the Permits Office:
Mayflower Water Works 2 Ashmore Drive Mayflower, AR 72106
Comments are closed.