City of Mayflower Yard Sale Permit Application
Yard sale shall mean any event, other than a sales activity operated in conjunction with a regularly licensed and permitted commercial or retail operation, which is advertised by any means whatsoever as a place or location to which members of the public, at any time may purchase identifiable or tangible personal property. Also included in this definition are garage sales, patio sales, carport sales, rummage sales, estate sales, fund raisers, or any other similar events.
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City of Mayflower

2 Ashmore Drive
P.O. Box 69
Mayflower, AR 72106
[email protected]

Application for:



Upon approval of this permit the City of Mayflower gives permission for this project in accordance with local ordinances. However, there may be subdivision covenants and restrictions that apply, and this permit does not void or override those covenants and restrictions.

14.04.04 Residential zoning districts
Garage, carport, or yard sales, not to exceed four within a calendar year and three days for each event, may be permitted on any platted lot which supports single-family dwelling as the principal use. A permit obtained from the Office of the Mayor shall be required for each event.

The yard sale permit fee shall be $5.00 per household. The permit shall be issued for a three (3) day period. The time between permits is four (4) days. Only four (4) permits per household address per year are allowed. Any person acquiring more than four (4) permits will be considered a business.

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