City of Mayflower Demolition Permit Application
Pursuant to the city of Mayflower ordinances, Zoning Regulations and the Subdivision of Land and Control of Development Regulations, and in complete agreement with the provisions of those ordinances, a city of Mayflower building permit shall be required before work may be commenced on the construction, or the clearing or excavation for the construction, of any building or structure, or the moving or alteration of any building within the city limits of Mayflower and its planning jurisdiction. (Ord. No. 96-2, Sec. 1.)
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City of Mayflower

2 Ashmore Drive
P.O. Box 69
Mayflower, AR 72106
[email protected]

Application for:



Upon approval of this permit the City of Mayflower gives permission for this project in accordance with local ordinances. However, there may be subdivision covenants and restrictions that apply, and this permit does not void or override those covenants and restrictions.

Pursuant to the city of Mayflower ordinances, Zoning Regulations and the Subdivision of Land and Control of Development Regulations, and in complete agreement with the provisions of those ordinances, a city of Mayflower building permit shall be required before work may be commenced on the construction, or the clearing or excavation for the construction, of any building or structure, or the moving or alteration of any building within the city limits of Mayflower and its planning jurisdiction. (Ord. No. 96-2, Sec. 1.)

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Agreement
I understand the requirements to conform to the Storm Water Pollution Prevention plan and keep the streets and drainage systems of Mayflower free of sediments, debris and trash. I understand that clean-up cost will be charged to the owner if clean up is necessary by the City. I also understand that inspections by the City will not be made unless appropriate storm water pollution prevention measures are in place and maintained throughout the project. I understand and agree to abide by the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and acknowledge it is the responsibility of the owner and builder to the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Ordinances.

Insurance Agreement
I HEREBY CERTIFY that I am in compliance with the Mayflower Municipal Code pertaining to  Applications for Permit-Certificate of Insurance.

Permit Expiration
I UNDERSTAND THAT this permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 6 months, or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 6 months at any time after work has commenced.

Demolition permits are $75.

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